Spider-Men, Peter Parker and Miles Morales, return for an exciting new adventure in the critically acclaimed Marvel’s Spider-Man franchise for PS5. Swing, jump and utilise the new Web Wings to travel across Marvel’s New York, quickly switching between Peter Parker and Miles Morales to experi...
PS5®向け『Marvel’s Spider-Man 2』ゲーム本編ピーター・パーカーとマイルズ・モラレスは、スーパーヒーローとして、そしてそれぞれ一人の人間として、愛する仲間や街を脅かすヴェノムと新たなシンビオートの脅威に立ち向かう。さらに高速化したウェブ・スイングや新登場となるウェ...
Insomniac Games全員都非常高興能在此宣布,《Marvel’s Spider-Man 2》將於2023年10月20日星期五在PlayStation 5上獨家推出。在2018年的《Marvel’s Spider-Man》和2020年的《Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales》受到粉絲們熱烈迴響後,開發團隊在過去幾年持續不懈地努力,希望將這個系列的第三部作品打造成滿足大...
While Spider-Man 2 may enjoy a jolt in the arm with the release of PS5 Pro on November 7, Insomniac has confirmed it has no plans to release DLC,much to the disappointment of some fans. The announcement came in the same breath thatSony announced a PC version of Spid...
Marvel's Spider-Man Learn more Discover more great PS5 games Explore a range of stunning titles available now or coming soon to PS5. Platform: PS5 Release: 3/5/2023 Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe Genres: Action Voice:
《Marvel’s Spider-Man 2》的開發團隊和主角蜘蛛人都有個共通點,就是會持續解鎖新能力。Insomniac Games在即將推出的續作中發揮PlayStation 5的強大效能,為兩位可遊玩的超級英雄裝備了全新能力,並帶來一系列兇狠的超級惡棍、加倍的城市空間,以及其他為數眾多的沉浸性增強改良。
搬运:PS5《Mar..為迎接 PlayStation5(PS5)上《Marvel’s Spider-Man 2》的發布,Sony Interactive Entertainment Hong Kong Limited(SI
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 $69.99 Digital Deluxe Edition Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Five unique suits for Peter. Five unique suits for Miles. Additional Photo Mode items. 5 Skill Points. Early Unlock Suits and Gadget $79.99 Add-Ons PS5 Add-On PackMarvel’s Spider-Man 2 Digital Deluxe Upgrade ...
Spider-Men, Peter Parker and Miles Morales, return for an exciting new adventure in the critically acclaimed Marvel's Spider-Man franchise for the PS5 console. Marvel's Spider-Man 2 out now! Marvel Insider Watch, Earn, Redeem! Get rewarded for doing what you already do as a fan....
That’s the same price as the current standard edition PS5 with Spider-Man 2. Billbil-kun also mentioned a release date of November 10 for the standard and digital versions of the PS5 Slim in the U.S., so perhaps there will be a staggered release throughout that week, with the bundle...