Peter Parker and Miles Morales return for an exciting new adventure in the critically acclaimed Marvel’s Spider-Man franchise, now available for PC.
Become a part of the new adventures of Spider-Man, fight against dangerous opponents and untangle complex puzzles in free online games for the Spiderman 3 movie, Ultimate and the Amazing Spider Man 1 and 2.
Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered and enhanced for PS5™ console – experience the complete award-winning adventure with updated visuals and immersive new features.
漫威蜘蛛侠2 Marvel's Spider-Man 2豆瓣评分:9.0 简介:INSOMNIAC工作室确认《漫威蜘蛛侠:迈尔斯·莫拉莱斯》并非《漫威蜘蛛侠》正统续作,而是一部类似大型DLC的独立作品。并且根据Reddit论坛上网友爆料,《漫威蜘蛛侠2》将会在2021年圣诞季发售于PS5平台,目前官方尚
《漫威蜘蛛侠2》是Insomniac Game制作,索尼发行的一款开放世界类动作游戏,游戏于2023年10月20日正式发售登陆PS5平台。游戏中将两位蜘蛛侠设为了双主角,继续讲述他们共同守护纽约并在各自生活中挣扎的一段全新冒险。背景设定 游戏背景设定在《漫威蜘蛛侠》、《漫威蜘蛛侠 迈尔斯·莫拉莱斯》故事结束之后的纽约。随着狂暴...
《Marvel’s Spider-Man 2》將登陸PC!我們終於在紐約漫畫展(Comic Con)漫威舞台正式公布,廣受好評的《Marvel’s Spider-Man》系列最新作,將於2025年1月31日登陸PC,在Steam與Epic Games Store兩大商店上架,現已可供加入願望清單。 我們也十分高興與玩家分享,我們的好夥伴Nixxes Software將再次與Insomniac Games、Pl...
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Overview Add-Ons AchievementsThe incredible power of the symbiote forces Peter Parker and Miles Morales into a desperate fight as they balance their lives, friendships, and their duty to protect in an exciting chapter of the acclaimed Spider-man franchise....
and we’ve also expanded Marvel’s New York with new boroughs and side missions to explore. While we have no additional story content planned for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, we’re delighted to bring all of our previously released post-launch content to the PC version, including...
Edit This is the PC version of the video game, which is quite different from the console version. The game is geared towards children (rated "E for Everyone") with Spider-Man fighting various thugs and super-villains (Rhino, Puma, Mysterio, Doc Ock) in a linear story. ...
PC《漫威蜘蛛侠2 Marvels Spider Man 2》更新v1.4.4中文版,容量高达256GB,所以请提前留好硬盘大小,此版本是非官方移植PC版,请仔细看正文的安装教程。包含100%终极难度全收集全黄金终极等级9存档 游玩说明 游戏目前支持中文字幕英文语音,使用PS5原版语言包 ...