Spider-Man 2: Directed by Sam Raimi. With Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco, Alfred Molina. Peter Parker is beset with troubles in his failing personal life as he battles a former brilliant scientist named Otto Octavius.
Kate Winslet Doesn’t Believe Spider-Man is Tobey Maguire’s ‘Crowning Achievement’: Tom Cruise’s Spinoff Can’t Ignore This 12/29/2024 by Pratik Handore FandomWire “What good is it to hold on to roles?”: Avengers: Endgame Actress Has Absolutely No Regrets for Losing Titanic Role to...
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Sony CEO Warns: Spider-Man Spinoffs Set to Fail, No Matter the Quality 12/26/2024 by Valentina Kraljik Comic Basics Sony CEO Says Spider-Man Spinoffs Risk Getting ‘Destroyed’ No Matter How Good or Bad They Are ...
台词正文2 No,no,no,stop!Stop!停,快停车 Parker,you’relate,man.AIwayslate你迟到了,你老是迟到 I’msorry,Mr.Aziz.Therewasadisturbance disturbance:/dis'tә:bәns/CET6TEM4TOFn.扰乱,不安,忧虑[化]扰动;干扰;失调 对不起,我被一件事耽搁了 ...
Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man, is the titular protagonist of Sam Raimi's Spider-Man Trilogy, and a major character in Spider-Man: No Way Home. Whilst living with his aunt and uncle in Queens, NYC, Peter acquired superhuman abilities, after being
Ultimate Spider-Man #26 Uncanny X-Men #11 (Marvel): This is going to sound really strange: I’m looking forward to this. Felt weird to type it, even. But it’s true: #10 was darn good, after all–especially with Frazer Irving’s finally coming into his own. Extinction Parade #2 ...
There’s no combination of words that can wholly convey how excited we are to finally show you Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 after all this time. We’re excited to give you this first-ever glimpse at what we’ve been working on all these years, and we hope you’re as thrilled as we are...
Performance-Wise: Andrew Garfield is up for top honors. The actor is fantastic as Peter Parker / Spider-Man! Its a performance that deserves immense praise. Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy, does a good job. Rhys Ifans as Dr. Curt Connors / The Lizard, plays the menace easily. Martin Sheen as...
Known for recognizing excellence in the gaming world, the D.I.C.E. Awards have 56 games as finalists for 2024. The winners for each category will be chosen by votes from members of the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences. And going by ...
The Amazing Spider-Manmakes for a good, although mostly irrelevant, watch; one that does just enough to keep you engaged but never once takes a stride towards creating something special.