Spider-Man 2 features a number of familiar Spider-Man supervillains, but there’s one conspicuous by his absence: Rhino. Spoilers for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 follow. Spider-Man 2 revolves around the arrival of Kraven the Hunter in New York. Kraven is hellbent on finding a foe worthy...
includes the horror films "Candyman" and "Final Destination." His deep voice also earned him many voiceover villain roles in geek franchises: Zoom in season 2 of "The Flash", the Decepticon Dreadwing in "Transformers: Prime," Venom in Insomniac's "Spider-Man 2" video game, and many ...
【漫威/MCU】《黑豹2》如何解决了超人问题 Wakanda Forever — How to Break the Superman Problem BashfulDino11157 39 0 【星球大战】《安多》如何让银河帝国又变得恐怖 HowAndorMadethe GalacticEmpireScary(Star Wars Explained) BashfulDino11157 4030 6 【漫威/MCU】《黑豹2》哪些方面做得很好?What does Wa...
If you're wondering why the headline is kind of vague it's because what is old news to one person might be a spoiler for another and it's better to be safe than sorry, especially with all the news about casting and characters for The Amazing Spider-man 2. So while some of you migh...
ANT-MAN and the WASP: Quantumania {SPOILERS}: Audience Reactions (Screening) | F 10:36 DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS {SPOILERS}: Audience Reactions | May 10:49 Spider-Man Far From Home {SPOILERS}: Audience Reactions | TWO REACTIONS 23:15 Ant-Man and the Wasp {SPOILERS...
You checked out Marc Webb.s The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Some loved it! Some despised it. We.re giving you an open forum to discuss the movie with the freedom of spoilers! If you haven.t seen Spidey.s sequel yet, run! This page is Loaded With Spoilers. The rest of you can spend ...
(Spoilers for 2018’s Marvel’s Spider-Man ahead!) Given how much Miles Morales looks up to Peter for mentorship and guidance, this creates further problems. Beyond trying to figure out what’s next for his life, Miles continues to struggle with the death of his father at the hands of ...
This article contains spoilers for X-Men ’97X-Men ’97 had a lot of fun easter eggs that took fans by surprise, be it the reveal that Peter actually found Mj after the end of Spider-Man: The Animated Series or the various cameos from characters like Captain America, Daredevil, and ...
(though Anne was nevertheless left horrified from Venom eating their heads through her). Venom also had an insecure side, as when telling Eddie how he had a change of heart, he told the man how he was treated like a loser and sees much of himself in Eddie, which eventually allow him ...
1,413 reviews Hide spoilersReview RatingsShow all Sort byFeatured 8/10 The Amazing Spider-Man 2 8/10 - I know I am definitely in the minority on this one, but I for one feel that this 2014 sequel is not only not the "worst Spider-Man movie," but actually improves on its predecessor...