Spider-Man has been a fulltime job since 2000 when he signed onto direct the first film. By the time the third film has been released, he will have worked on Spider-Man for seven years solid, even though he clearly has other business ventures and projects he would like to do. If he ...
But when you view Spider-Man 3 as Raimi using Venom to deliberately satirize the idea of a “dark” comic book movie, the whole experience works a lot better. 7. Spider-Man: No Way Home Sony 7. Spider-Man: No Way Home The latest third Spider-Man film is about on par with the ...
John tells JamBase, “I try to compose tunes with colors inspired by the disparate styles of music we all love, which we then can collectively explore as a unit and through our individual lenses,” Mailander added. “Part of the sound of this band to me is this unique point where all ...
I absolutely adore good B-flick movies, especially those with giant lizards, killer tarantulas, man-eating mole rats, and destructive turtles. However, the biologist in me always has a running commentary in the back of my head when I watch those films, I can't help it. So, just because...
Megha Mandavia – The Wall Street Journal U.S. markets have been no stranger to meme-driven, casino-like trading in recent years. But on the other side of the world, a stock speculation boom is unfolding that makes GameStop and bitcoin look tame-or, at least, well-domesticated. India ...
Megha Mandavia – The Wall Street Journal U.S. markets have been no stranger to meme-driven, casino-like trading in recent years. But on the other side of the world, a stock speculation boom is unfolding that makes GameStop and bitcoin look tame-or, at least, well-domesticated. Ind...