Spider-Man 2 is a film directed by Sam Raimi with Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Alfred Molina, Rosemary Harris ... Year: 2004. Original title: Spider-Man 2. Synopsis: In Spider-Man 2, Tobey Maguire returns as the mild-mannered Peter Parker, who is juggl
An Mod that replaces vanilla textures with real stores and posters, and some misc stuff like subway signs and ATMs.
While we don't necessarily anticipate getting a new trailer for the sequel (not online, at least), these character posters were spotted on the show floor and highlight six key members of the Spider Society. As you can see below, we have Miles Morales, Spider-Gwen, S...
“We want to play with Spider-Man in the high school years because frankly there’ve been five Spider-Man films and the amazing thing about it is, even though there’ve been five Spider-Man films, there are so many things from the comics that haven’t been done yet. Not just ...
17. Cyborg Spider-(Wo)Man In the posters and toys for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse there is a character featured prominently who is truly a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it appearance in the movie: a character they are calling “Cyborg Spider-Woman.” It’s hard to say that ...
'Spider-Man: Far From Home' Official Trailer WARNING SPOILERS AHEAD = It’s time to step up. Watch the new trailer now and get your tickets today: bit.ly/FarFromHomeTix Spider-Man News Gear Shop Marvel Must Haves: Spider-Man Is Back ...
An array of character posters offer our best look yet at some of the main Spider-Man variants that will swing into action in the upcoming animated sequel,Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. Unveiled viasocial media, these new posters put the spotlight on some of the alternates that our her...
As amazing as Avengers: Endgame was, I've honestly been a lot more excited for what the future holds in Spider-Man: Far From Home. Not only is it the
And as one of the Spider-Man Crawlspace’s message board’s posters brought up – why when Peter rips off the black suit in the church is there nothing under it – when it is established earlier that the goo had merely covered and mimicked the original red and blues?
Yesterday, the cast of Spider-Man 3 was having some fun on social media, dropping fake names for their upcoming film. Today, Sony finally ended the gag and dropped the real title: Spider-Man: No Way Home. Most of what we currently know about the film is that it will have som...