it’s Peter Parker. Timeframe: We open with Peter on the first day of high school…and I’m not going to say more. It’s Spider-Man. I’ll watch
2 Rewind to 2014 Let’s go back to 2014. Before we got Tom Holland as MCU’s Spider-Man, before Sony invested the Venom movies, we had Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man. At that time, Sony was investing its time and money on making The Amazing Spider-Man movies. However, the planned pr...
Over the last week or so unannounced Marvel Legends figures for the upcoming Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse have been popping up on Amazon and at retail chains. It includes new 6 inch figures based on the animation style from the … ...
Finally, I was a mite worried about the paint on the Spider-Man Legends Spider-Girl figure–especially with how bad the paints apps were on the Marvel Legends Captain Marvel figure I reviewed–but the paint deco is well-done overall. There’s a couple spots where the webbing on Spider-Gir...