The original Clone Saga began in "Amazing Spider-Man#144” (May 1975). The story takes place in the aftermath of the death of Peter Parker's girlfriend,Gwen Stacy. This event was an extremely traumatic experience for Spider-Man and almost led him to quit being a superhero. However, only...
Wiebe’s world spins not unlike something you’d see in Saga. At its worst, it reads like Fraction’s cutting-room floor. Here’s hoping for more of the best.) Clone #11 (I wasn’t sure where we were headed after #10. Now I know–and I’m stoked! All the way around, a ...
The (Original) Clone Saga Photo: Wikimedia Commons CC-BY Story found in: The Amazing Spider-Man #144-149 A few years prior, the Spider-Man writers had killed off Gwen Stacy in a tragic way that seemed to actually stick (a rarity in comics). Slowly and carefully, they dev...
Spider-man 4: Amy Pascal Responds To Rumors Anya Taylor-Joy Will Play Black Cat - But What About Gwen Stacy? Dec Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content Top Gap What was the official certification given to Spider-Man (1994) in France?
Another clone of the Earth-616 Spider-Man is Kaine Parker. Kaine was the first-ever clone of Parker during the Jackal’s lengthy process. At first he was deemed a success, but quickly degenerated. This meant that he suffered serious physical and mental instabilities that left him more...
Clone Saga Biology professor Miles Warren, AKAthe Jackal, becomes infatuated with his studentGwen Stacy. He’s devastated when she dies during a battle between Norman Osborn, AKAGreen Goblin, and Spider-Man (Gwen’s boyfriend). Having experimented with cloning for years, Warren seeks to re-crea...
had any great amount of respect for them…. I paid no attention to the Marvel comics.” Who can really say whether the shared name “Spider-Wars” is coincidence or not, but many aspects of the ‘90s comics found their way into the show, including Venom, Carnage, and the ...
him. When someone like Aunt May is put into a dangerous spot naturally Spider-Man isn’t going to take that well. The Avengers episode is admittedly a little cheesy that they were captured so easily. By the way, it was A.I.M. that captured them so…I’m having a hard time buying ...
The Clone SagaScarlet Spider In the Clone Saga, a controversial story arc, the long-lost Jackal-made copy of Peter Parker returns. For years he was believed to have died after his initial encounter with the real Peter Parker. The clone, who is now calling himself Ben Reilly spent years tr...
There's also a caption saying "This is how the Clone Saga ended.") Linkara: (Dumbfounded expression, followed by throwing his hat down to the ground in anger) Let's just move on! Linkara (VO): The Jackal has Jack go get some clothes for Gwen and the two Spider-Men are still ...