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Above the lowly plants it towers, The fennel, with its yellow flowers, And in an earlier age than ours Was gifted with the wondrous powers, Lost vision to restore. It... Coriander June 28, 2021 Some herbs and spices, such as basil (basileus), whose name means “king,” have names th...
For those who prefer to create their own antioxidant-rich marinades from scratch, McCormick has identified key spices and herbs with the highest antioxidant capacity. These “Super Spices” are: cinnamon, oregano, red pepper, ginger, rosemary, thyme, and yellow curry. Did you know that just a ...
Fenugreekis used both as an herb(the leaves) and as a spice(the seed). The yellow colored fenugreek seed, commonly called Methi, is frequently used in the preparation of pickles and curry powders. The young leaves and sprouts of fenugreek are eaten as greens. Fresh or dried leaves are use...
curry powder: A blend of spices used in Indian cuisine, known for its distinctive flavor and aroma. white mustard: A type of mustard seed with a mild flavor, often used in pickling and sauces. black mustard: A spicier variety of m...
Curry, because of turmeric and cumin, is difficult to keep fresh and hot. We grind, blend and ship it in a timely manner, and thus are able to keep our curry fresher than that of larger companies who have less flexibility in that area. We know that our curry has a fresh, clean flav...
A bright yellow spice that comes from a dried root. It gives curry powder its hallmark color and has an earthy, mustardy flavor. Learn more about turmeric here. Want to Become a Better Chef? Whether you’re just learning the difference between braising and broiling, or you already know ...
curry and other recipes. This fresh and aromatic masala gives a unique taste to any recipe. In fact while I was making this at home, the whole house was filled with awesome sweet-scented smell. Dagad phool is one specific ingredient which gives a very distinctive flavor to the masala. ...
I love Dudh begun because it is healthy, tasty, and takes less than 20 minutes to prepare. I often make this Bengali brinjal curry at home. It requires minimal ingredients: begun(brinjal), dudh(milk), and a few spices. I prepare this curry when I need a healthy side dish for rice wi...
Turmeric is a vibrant yellow spice considered a staple in Asian cuisine. In traditional medicine, it has been utilized for centuries in Ayurveda and by Chinese healers. Curcumin, its active compound, is responsible for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These qualities make turmeric ...