Garlic also provides several other health benefits, including lowered blood pressure, reduced inflammation, and prevented heart disease and osteoarthritis. Therefore, you should include garlic in your regular diet. 8. Turmeric Turmeric is a well-known immunity-boosting plant that can also aid weight...
Cinnamon may also interfere with certain medications, including those that treat high blood pressure and diabetes, so it's important to discuss the herb with your healthcare provider before adding it to your diet.1617 7. Cumin ollo / Getty Images Cumin is made from the dried, ground seed...
Agencies don’t seem to agree on what the ideal tolerable parameter should be, but we assure customers that we choose suppliers who provide us with a certificate of analysis and other documentation showing the heavy metals content of their products, and that they conform to Prop 65 and/or nat...
This suggests that curcumin cannot cross the blood–brain barrier (BBB), while the other two can.Regarding drug properties that affect ADMET, “solubility class lipophilicity” refers to a molecule's ability to dissolve into a lipophilic medium77. These properties include permeability, ADME, ...
affect cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes. The researchers analyzed 28 studies of randomized controlled trials that included a total of 1049 control patients and 1035 patients who received the spice supplements in capsule form for one to three months. They found that, in ...
There is now ample evidence that spices and herbs possess antioxidant & anti-inflammatory, properties that affect cognition and mood. Skincare experts (and our grandmothers!) can attest to the simple, yet miraculous benefits that nature provides to maintain, improve and enhance our skin and hair....
Curcumin (from turmeric) can suppress cancer cells in the laboratory, but how about in people? A new study in smokers showed that taking curcumin for a month significantly reduced the number of precancerous lesions that could lead to cancer of the colon. Find out more (including the dose us...
In Alzheimer’s disease (AD), which is the prevalent chronic neurodegenerative disease, inflammation has an essential role in the disease pathogenesis. Studies have indicated that microRNAs, astrocytes, microglia, and infiltrating immune cells from the peripheral region might affect the development of ne...
The main objective of this study was to assess the diversity of wild spices and document the associated traditional knowledge that can be used for their valuation, domestication, and sustainable management in the Sudano-Guinean zone of Benin. Specifically, the study (i) assessed the diversity of...
breathfresheneranddigestiveaid.MintmaypositivelyaffectdigestionviaitsabilitytorelaxsmoothmusclesintheGI tractandthearomaofmintactivatessalivaryglandsinthemouththatproducedigestiveenzymes.Mintmayhelprelieve nauseaandrosmarinicacidinpeppermintmayalsohelpasthmasufferersthroughavarietyofactionsincludingblocking theformationofpro...