That is why we call our precious planet “God’s Pharmacy.” It really is. What’s more, you probably have a lot of the most healing herbs, spices, and plant-based powders right there in your kitchen cupboard or spice rack. So let’s take a tour of what’s in there while we let...
Its digestive health benefits demonstrate the lowering of stomach acidity, resulting to an increase in the body's metabolic rates and the promotion of waste elimination.10. Cat's claw - This herb from Peru is commonly used for stomach problems. Recently, however, it is becoming known as an ...
The Vata, Pitta, and Kapha dosha is considered biological energy that resides throughout the human mind and body and helps function. They regulate physical, mental processes and provide an individual unique “nature” or blueprint for health and mental fulfillment. ...
They are high on antioxidants and prove beneficial for a lot of common diseases like cold, cough, fever, indigestion, etc. Even the nutrition research reports show that certain herbs and spices are healthy spices food additives. But all the spices have different health benefits associated with ...
While your spice rack can't replace routine medical advice, it may support your efforts to reach a body weight that optimizes your overall health. Here are the best herbs and spices known to support weight management. 1. Fenugreek ajaykampani / Getty Images Fenugreek is a common ...
Could promote heart health Antibacterial and antifungal activity WILLIE NELSON'S TEXAS STEW First created for Willie at his Annual Picnic, this Inventive Dish is a new version of the traditional Pasta Fagiola. It was a big hit with Willie, Waylon, Linda Rondstadt and other country legends. Hea...
to the potential health benefits of spices and herbs. “The study of spices is a relatively new area of nutrition science investigation, but one that holds great promise. What is especially encouraging is that the spice amounts being studied are reasonable for culinary usage,” said Dr. ...
Herbs & Spices Asafoetida (Asafetida): Native to the deserts of Iran and mountains of Afghanistan, asafoetida is a standard component of South Indian and Maharashtrian cuisine. Known for its strong odour that resembles a leek-like scent, this pungent spice is a tasty addition to your next curry...
spice chemicals and herbs, offer an excellent opportunity for drug discovery. They have proven anti-inflammatory properties. However, the potential of a molecule to be a lead/ drug candidate can be much more enhanced if it has the property of inhibition in a dual mechanism. Synergistic activity...
The following 10 culinary herbs and spices show particular promise for promoting good health. 1. Curcumin, the Super Spice One spice that is reaping much attention is curcumin, which is found in turmeric and curry powder. The components of turmeric and curcumin and related compounds called curcumi...