This paper introduces and verifies a simple circuit model for the integration of the mathematical model of the light illumination on the drain current of Thin-Film Transistors (TFT) in the SPICE circuit simulation program, making, thus, possible its immediate exploitation for circuit design. Comparat...
.model LED1 D(Is=1e-19 N=1.6 Rs=2.5 Eg=2.1) .tran 0 5 .IC V(cap)=12V .backanno .end ngspice源列表如下,并产生相同的结果: * .IC directive for ngspice – by laocuo C1 cap 0 2200µF R1 cap D 330 D1 D 0 LED1 .model LED1 D(Is=1e-19 N=1.6 Rs=2.5 Eg=2.1) .IC V...
The model was needed to help assess the design margins of a large and complex circuit in which the couplers are used. This process requires a large number of long simulation runs, so simplicity was given a high priority. The simple SPICE model for an opto-coupler assembly constructed can be...
如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。 器件型号:TPS92200 大约2年前、这些论坛上的某...
This makes it easy to access and use various models for your simulations. Like Reply 107 0 CiroBrasil Level 1 18 Nov 2024 I'm working with high power LEDs and I wanted to work with an LED driver and I was interested in the spice model of the BCR602 to simulate in my ...
Re: Spice Model for 74HC123, 74LS123 for LTSpice « Reply #11 on: May 07, 2022, 03:52:23 pm » I mean that I want to connect Vcc to 2.5V and Vee to -2.5V relative to ground. Logged ledtester Super Contributor Posts: 3248 Country: Re: Spice Model for 74HC123, 74LS12...
放在文件的后面 .SUBCKT LED 1 2 7 4 *LED子电路定义开始语句 RSERIES 1 5 2 DELECT 5 2 LEDNOR ELED 6 4 5 2 1 DOPTIC 6 8 LEDNORC VSENSE 8 4 DC 0 FPHOTO 4 3 VSENSE 1 RL 3 4 1 tc1=-0.00015 EOUT 7 4 3 4 1 .MODEL LEDNOR D IS=5E-16 N=2 XTI=3 EG=2.1 BV=5 IBV=...
图5.网络分析仪的LED驱动器控制环路波德图测量设置 图6.Venable System Model 5060A老式网络分析仪,用于高边浮动噪声注入和LED驱动器的测量 图7.LT3950 LED驱动器上的噪声注入和测量点 图8.DC2788A演示电路板上的LT3950 LED驱动器的波德图。通过LTspice模拟生成的图(蓝线)与使用网络分析仪生成的图(绿线)相关...
图5. 网络分析仪的LED驱动器控制环路波德图测量设置。 图6. Venable System Model 5060A老式网络分析仪,用于高边浮动噪声注入和LED驱动器的测量。 图7. LT3950 LED驱动器上的噪声注入和测量点。 图8. DC2788A演示电路板上的LT3950 LED驱动器的波德图。通过LTspice模拟生成的图(蓝线)与使用网络分析仪生成的图...
SCT10N120的spice模型用于multisim仿真以上来自于谷歌翻译以下为原文spicemodel for SCT10N120 for simulation in multism leyun2019-05-27 15:38:08 multisim1.4破解汉化 丰富的仿真分析能力。工程师们可以使用Multisim交互式地搭建电路原理图,并对电路进行仿真。Multisim提炼了SPICE仿真的复杂内容,这样工程师无需懂得深入...