spice client for windows Embedded 7 Latest responseJanuary 30 2012 at 1:11 PM Hi All, I have Wyse Z90D7 with me for the RHEV VDI requirement. This thin clinet comes by default with the RDP protocol however we want to access our servers with the spice protocol. Kindly suggest from wher...
this. I've successfully installed a Windows 7 VM using Virt-manager, and can connect to it with the spice client under Arch Linux so that I may redirect a USB device to the VM. Unfortunately for the task I'm trying to use this for, I need it to work on a Windows Client. Has any...
this. I've successfully installed a Windows 7 VM using Virt-manager, and can connect to it with the spice client under Arch Linux so that I may redirect a USB device to the VM. Unfortunately for the task I'm trying to use this for, I need it to work on a Windows Client. Has any...
Linux下使用SPICE客户机#yum -y install spice-clientLinux 下使用spicec命令连接:# /usr/libex 18、ec/spicec -h 3 -p 5930 -w password-h 参数是kvm虚拟机ip地址-p参数是kvm虚拟机端口-w参数是密码图6 spice工作界面Windows下使用SPICE客户机从/download.html下载两个文件:"spice-client-win32-0.6.3....
这个源码是我从mingw-usbredir-0.5.2-2.fc19.src.rpm这个rpm包里解出来的,因为直接下usbredir的源码包编译的时候有问题,本人太菜搞不定就拿现成的来用了。 mingw64-configure mingw64-make mingw64-make install 2.2编译 spice-gtk-0.14 mingw64-configure --without-sasl --with-gtk=2.0 --with-audio=gst...
编译问题[置顶] mingw编译virt viewer(spice windows client,支持usb重定向), 现在主要还有两个问题:一个是USB设备的列表,名字都一样,另一个是最好不要用zadig来转,不但费事而且还导致我当地的操作系统无法畸形使用它,有还在解决这个问题的欢迎一同探究,邮件联系
Windows下使用SPICE客户机 从http://www./download.html下载两个文件:"spice-client-win32-0.6.3.zip" 和"spice_libs_win32_063_and_earlier.zip",然后解压缩。spicec.exe文件复制到spice_libs_win32_063_and_earlier\lib目录下,运行spicec.exe即可。
2011-02-23 15:05 −到http://spice-space.org/yum_repo_data/f12/x86_64/上下载依赖包和安装包,安装即可。 或者yum install spice-protocol spice-client spice-server,依赖包也会同时安装。 然后启动虚拟机,我用的是qemu-kv... chinacloud
Windows下使用SPICE客户机 从http://www.spice-space.org/download.html下载两个文件:"spice-client-win32-0.6.3.zip" 和"spice_libs_win32_063_and_earlier.zip",然后解压缩。spicec.exe文件复制到spice_libs_win32_063_and_earlier\lib目录下,运行spicec.exe即可。
Requirements for SPICE In order to use Spice you need the following: Spice client on your desktop OS Spice drivers inside your VM (VirtIO, QXL Graphic card drivers) SPICE client Windows: virt-viewer 0.5.6 or higher,http://www.spice-space.org/download.html ...