CS_L;//nSEL = 0;SPI_SendByte(addr);//write data into the SPI registerResult = SPI_SendByte(0xFF);//0XFF其实就是伪字节CS_H;//nSEL = 1;return(Result); }/*** * 函数名:SPI_WriteRegister * 描述 :SPI写寄存器数值 * 输入 :寄存器地址,数值 * 返回 :无 ***...
The function Send transmits to and recieves one byte from the SPI interface. The prameter outb specifies the command or data to be transmitted. The function is part of the SPI Driver. The prototype is defined in the file File_Config.h. Developers must cu
void spi_write_words( uint16_t * _data, uint8_t _length ) { if( _length > 16 ) _length = 16; REG_WRITE( SPI_MS_DLEN_REG,( ( 16 * _length) -1 ) ); spi_write_buffer( (uint32_t*)_data, _length );REG_SET_BIT( SPI_CMD_REG, SPI_UPDATE_bm ); ...
void spi_write_words( uint16_t * _data, uint8_t _length ) { if( _length > 16 ) _length = 16; REG_WRITE( SPI_MS_DLEN_REG,( ( 16 * _length) -1 ) ); spi_write_buffer( (uint32_t*)_data, _length );REG_SET_BIT( SPI_CMD_REG, SPI_UPDATE_bm ); ...
void spi_write_words( uint16_t * _data, uint8_t _length ) { if( _length > 16 ) _length = 16; REG_WRITE( SPI_MS_DLEN_REG,( ( 16 * _length) -1 ) ); spi_write_buffer( (uint32_t*)_data, _length );REG_SET_BIT( SPI_CMD_REG, SPI_UPDATE_bm ); ...
I want to send a message, but the oscilloscope can only see CS pull low and CLK waveform, SIN and SOUT have no waveform. uint8_t
void spi_write_words( uint16_t * _data, uint8_t _length ) { if( _length > 16 ) _length = 16; REG_WRITE( SPI_MS_DLEN_REG,( ( 16 * _length) -1 ) ); spi_write_buffer( (uint32_t*)_data, _length );REG_SET_BIT( SPI_CMD_REG, SPI_UPDATE_bm ); ...
免费查询更多hc32l flash芯片 spi_sendbuf详细参数、实时报价、行情走势、优质商品批发/供应信息等,您还可以发布询价信息。
发送sd_mmc_spi_send_command(SD_SEND_OP_COND_ACMD, 0),SD_SEND_OP_COND_ACMD命令成功返回0x...
SPI读操作码0x80说明 lSPI_SendByte(addr|0x80); 2019-03-12 00:50 −... 流水江湖 0 4535 Java SPI 2020-01-05 10:59 −## 一、简介 `SPI`全称`Service Provider Interface`,它是JDK内置的一种可以动态发现服务的机制。通过这种方式,可以方便地将服务提供者与第三方实现客户端解耦。它主要包含三个...