解释spi_handletypedef是什么: spi_handletypedef 实际上是一个类型定义(typedef),它通常指向一个结构体,该结构体包含了控制SPI外设所需的所有配置信息和状态信息。在STM32 HAL库中,这个结构体通常被命名为 SPI_HandleTypeDef。说明hspi1通常代表什么: hspi1 是这个结构体类型的一个实例(或变量)。在代码中,hspi...
The driver I found creates a spi_handletypedef in the driver l while my current implementation creates a spi_handetypedef in main.c. Is there a way to use the hspi that was created in main.c in another file? The only way I could think of is to pass the hspi to each function in...