默认初始化选用 4M MSBFIRST SPI_MODE0 其他初始化方式 setup()函数中调用SPI.begin()初始化SPI接口。此处为默认设置。若要设置具体参数可使用如下语句初始化SPI. 1SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(14000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0)); SPISettings()函数设置SPI传输模式,SPI.beginTransaction()函数根据SPISettings()...
If the LPSPI module is set to MSB first will it send the zero data bits 24 to 31 instead of my expecet data? If yes is it possible to write to bits 24 to 31 in TDR with DMA and will the lower bits automatically be 0 too? Because of the limitation of DMA to 1,2...
But the DATA line continues to show the LSB data level from the last word transferred, all the way through the DRDY* pulse, and does not change to the new readings MSB until first falling edge of the SPI transf...
If the LPSPI module is set to MSB first will it send the zero data bits 24 to 31 instead of my expecet data? If yes is it possible to write to bits 24 to 31 in TDR with DMA and will the lower bits automatically be 0 too? Because of th...