SPI- Config问题
1. 查看`/usr/src/linux/.config`文件:这是在编译内核时生成的配置文件,可以通过查找与SPI相关的配置项(例如CONFIG_SPI_)来查看SPI是否被配置和启用。2. 查看`/proc/config.gz`文件:这是内核运行时的配置文件。如果你的系统支持这个文件(即配置了CONFIG_IKCONFIG和CONFIG_IKCONFIG_PROC),那么你...
I am implementing SPI communication function on S32k144 chip, using LPSPI2. The pins used are as follows: PTC1: LPSPI2_SOUT PTC0: LPSPI2_SIN PTC15: LPSPI2_SCK PTC4: LPSPI2_PCS0 The development tool I use is IAR. My program mimics the code in the lpspi_transfer_s32k144 projec...
TUISPI_providerConfig 函数实现必须在调用应用程序的上下文中执行的 UI 元素。 此函数使 TSPI_providerConfig 函数在版本 2.0 及更高版本中已过时, (版本 1.4 及更早版本中受) 支持。TUISPI_providerConfig 函数从用户收集配置信息。 它可以使用对话框,并且此对话框可以包含与其他 API 关联的子对话框 (,例如用于...
modprobe spi-config devices=<devicedev1>,<devicedev2>,...,<devicedev16> and a<devicedev>is defined as a list of : separated key=value pairs possible keys are: bus = the bus number cs = the chip select modalias = the driver to assign/use ...
I am implementing SPI communication function on S32k144 chip, using LPSPI2. The pins used are as follows: PTC1: LPSPI2_SOUT PTC0: LPSPI2_SIN PTC15: LPSPI2_SCK PTC4: LPSPI2_PCS0 The development tool I use is IAR. My program mimics the code in the lpspi_transfer_s32k144 projec...
imx6 ECSPI Config Register 中SS_CTL的使用 1、采用 slave 模式 2、SS_CTL 配置为0 imx6 中关于该位的配置说明如下: 其中: In slave mode - an SPI burst is completed when the number of bits received in the shift register is equal to (BURST LENGTH + 1). Only the n least-significant bits ...
TUISPI_lineConfigDialog函数使指定线路设备的提供程序将模式对话框显示为 hwndOwner 的子窗口,以允许用户配置与线路设备相关的参数。 此函数使 TSPI_lineConfigDialog 函数在版本 2.0 及更高版本中已过时, (版本 1.4 及更低版本) 中受支持。实现是可选的。
Found in: Component config > SPI Flash driver > CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_YIELD_DURING_ERASE If a duration of one erase command is large then it will yield CPUs after finishing a current command. Default value: 20 CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_ERASE_YIELD_TICKS ...
Is CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_ERASE_YIELD_DURATION_MS the amount of time passed to vTaskDelay() at the end of a call to esp_partition_erase_range()? How is CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_ERASE_YIELD_TICKS any different?CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_ERASE_YIELD_DURATION_MS...