2 config SOC_SPI_MAX_CS_NUM int default6 SOC__MAXIMUM_BUFFER_SIZE int default64 1change: 1 addition & 0 deletions 1 soc/espc2/include/soc/soc_caps.h Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ /*--- SPI ---*/ #define SOC_...
pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_ecspi2 &pinctrl_ecspi2_cs>; dmas = <&sdma1 3 7 0>, <&sdma1 4 7 0>; dma-names = "rx", "tx"; status = "okay"; tpm0: slb9670@0 { compatible = "infineon,slb9670"; reg = <0>; resets = <&tpm_reset>; spi-max-frequency = <3800000...
ti,spi-num-cs = <2>; // number of chip selects used channel@0 { reg = <0>; compatible = "spidev"; symlink = "spi/2.0"; // create symlink at /dev/spi/2.0 // FIXME - replace by actual max frequency of device spi-max-frequency = <48000000>; // defaults to SPI mode 0 }...
;SPI_CS on bset LATB,#SPI_CS_POSN ;cycle mov #12,w1 loop: setm.b w0 mov.b wreg,SPI1BUF ;while(!SPI1STATbits.SPIRBF);SPI1BUF;} wait: btst SPI1STAT,#SPIRBF bra z,wait mov.b SPI1BUF,wreg dec w1,w1 bra nz,loop ;SPI off bclr LATB,#SPI_CS_POSN ;Send[6]=0x95 ;crc...
cs-gpio = <&gpio1 20 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; /* cant't use cs-gpios! */ pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_ecspi3>; status = "okay"; spidev: cps@0 { compatible = "aure,cps"; spi-max-frequency = <40000000>; reg = <0>; }; }; 1 Kudo...
//note: CS is set outside of the tx function uint32_t receiveData = 0; ECSPI2_CONREG_bit.BURST_LENGTH = 7; ECSPI2_CONREG_bit.CHANNEL_SELECT = 0; ECSPI2_CONREG_bit.EN = 1; /* enable spi */ ECSPI2_TXDATA = tx_byte; /* Tx data */ ECSPI2_CONREG_bit.XCH = 1; /...
//note: CS is set outside of the tx function uint32_t receiveData = 0; ECSPI2_CONREG_bit.BURST_LENGTH = 7; ECSPI2_CONREG_bit.CHANNEL_SELECT = 0; ECSPI2_CONREG_bit.EN = 1; /* enable spi */ ECSPI2_TXDATA = tx_byte; /* Tx data */ ECSPI2_CONREG_bit.XCH = 1; /...
//note: CS is set outside of the tx function uint32_t receiveData = 0; ECSPI2_CONREG_bit.BURST_LENGTH = 7; ECSPI2_CONREG_bit.CHANNEL_SELECT = 0; ECSPI2_CONREG_bit.EN = 1; /* enable spi */ ECSPI2_TXDATA = tx_byte; /* Tx data */ ECSPI2_CONREG_bit.XCH = 1; /...