mem:该描述符所属的spi_mem设备 info:在创建描述符时所需要的信息,下面会说明; nodirmap:如果spi controller没有实现mem_ops->dirmap_create回调函数,则设置为1;或者在调用mem_ops->dirmap_create时出错(超出映射的内存区域)时设置为1;当此值为1时,所有跟spi_mem_dirmap_{read,write}()相关的函数就会使用spi...
linux 中 spi-mem的核心代码在drivers/spi/spi-mem.c 该框架提供给spi 存储控制器驱动的api由 include/linux/spi/spi-mem.h定义。注意,可能linux内核版本不一样,以下说明可能有所出入,但大同小异,原理相同。 struct spi_mem spi-mem框架用该结构体描述一个spi存储设备: AI检测代码解析 struct spi_mem { stru...
The spi-mem framework in Linux Moving to U-Boot Since accessing flash memories from the bootloader is often necessary, Bootlin engineerMiquèl Raynaltook the challenge of adding SPI NAND support in U-Boot. Miquèl did this byporting the SPI-mem and SPI-NAND subsystemsfrom Linux to U-Boot. T...
Add support_ops function zynq_qspi_mem_exec_op to check controller supported operations by spi-mem framework. Current default support ops function does not allow dummy buswidth no more than 1, unless we are using buswidth is 4 for TX. Signed-off-by: Ashok Reddy Soma <ashok.reddy.soma@xil...
buffer的操作函数集,由驱动来实现,并由框架通过call_bufop宏来对特定的函数进行调用;struct vb2_mem...
buffer的操作函数集,由驱动来实现,并由框架通过call_bufop宏来对特定的函数进行调用;struct vb2_mem...
(half duplex), SSP, SSI,andPSP. This driver framework should workwithmost such devicesandcontrollers. 我们其次需要配上的选项就是SPI_MASTER(这里假设soc上是有spi控制器的,即使没有spi控制器,这个目录里也有实现通过gpio模式spi控制器的代码)和SPI_S3C24XX(这里假设是s3c平台,毕竟这个平台用于学习的最多吧...
SPI Framework 提供的所有 APIs,几乎都可以在include/linux/spi/spi.h中找到,主要都是围绕着数据结构进行的,我们按照使用的流程来一步一步看看;首先先从定义注册 SPI Controller 开始入手; 1、分配 spi_controller (spi_master) AI检测代码解析 struct spi_controller *spi_alloc_master(struct device *host, unsig...
ad_connect spi_clk axi_pulsar_adc_dma/s_axis_aclk ad_mem_hp1_interconnect $sys_cpu_clk axi_pulsar_adc_dma/m_dest_axi System Top This is a layer on top of the system_wrapper generated by Vivado used to instantiate IO buffers, I/ODDRs or to create some custom connections which would...
It might be possible to cobble a together ADC->DMA->(SPI->MEM)->DMA->(MEM->UART) using the DMAMUX's DMA request generator and request chaining (no CPU involvement). I'm not sure, but it would be an interesting exercise to try. For this, egress throughout must be hi...