针对你提出的“spi flash not found”问题,我基于提供的参考信息和我的专业知识,为你整理了以下可能的解决步骤: 检查SPI Flash连接: 确保SPI Flash芯片已正确连接到开发板或系统的SPI接口上。 检查所有连接线(如MISO、MOSI、SCK、CS等)是否牢固且正确连接。 如果可能,使用示波器或逻辑分析仪检查SPI信号是否正常。
'1': ID Check failed. INFO:iMPACT:2488 - The operation did not complete successfully. INFO:iMPACT - SPI Device not found. INFO:iMPACT:2488 - The operation did not complete successfully. INFO:iMPACT - '1': Flash was not programmed successfully. PROGRESS_END - End Operation. Elapsed time =...
你好,我的方案是用片外flash(W25Q80)进行升。Bootloader启动没问题,也能正常跳转到APP,但是APP起来后提示 (check_and_update_part_cache:140) Warning: Do NOT found the flash device(norflash0),导致用Xshell升级时,写不进外部flash! 查了下fal初始化,像是flash驱动找不到,但是APP程序里是可以对flash进行正...
请教,编译v3s的uboot2022,使用spi flash启动uboot,结果检测不到spi flash。 自制v3s板,串口2作为调试口,板载w25q128作为存储。 下载uboot2022,参考坑网教程修改uboot的设备树,添加了uart2部分,现在可以用uart2作为调试口了。参照licheepi的uboot2017的spi版的设备树和defconfig文件作了修改。用sunxi-fel命令烧录uboot...
INFO:iMPACT - SPI Device not found.INFO:iMPACT:2488 - The operation did not complete successfully...
While debugging we found following issue The hSPIMEMInfo Variable shows in the debugger, that CCS cannot read at the specific adresses. So the problem is, that it does not goes into the erasing and programming section as it always drop out at: ...
DM8148采用SPI+nandflash启动出错 Other Parts Discussed in Thread:TPS65910 两段uboot和内核放在spiflash中,文件系统放在nandflash中,启动后,出现如下错误: PS,采用SD卡启动时,可以挂载nandflash中的文件系统,正常运行 Starting kernel ... Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel....
'1':ID检查failed.INFO:iMPACT:2488 - 操作没有成功完成GREEN:iMPACT - SPI Device not found...
Re: 小智x3 开发板 有从spi flash启动成功的吗? fdtdec_get_config_int: load-environmentuclass_find_device_by_seq: 0 0 - 0 -1 'spi@1c68000' - not founduclass_find_device_by_seq: 1 0 - 0 -1 'spi@1c68000' - founduclass_find_device_by_seq: 0 0 - 0 -1 'spi@1c68000' - not...
在SPI FLASH(winbond 8M)的datasheet中写到:其erase_sector只能为4KB,erase_block可为32/64kB, 目前在SPI的驱动中,设置block_size为64KB,erase_sector为4KB。 问题来了! 将制作好的512K FLASH挂载到系统上后,会报如下错误: jffs2_scan_eraseblock():Magic bitmask 0x1985 not found at 0x00022034:0x5771 inst...