SUMMARY *SPHR certified through Human Resources Certification Institute *Bachelor's degree in Professional Writing and Editing from Youngstown State University *10 years human resources experience; 4+ years executive management experience; 10 years organizational development experience *Results-oriented, ...
PHR / SPHR Certification Requirements What Is HRCI Re-Certification? PHR/SPHR Exam Prep Programs Find PHR / SPHR Re-Certification Credits Best-Selling Training Courses: Instructor-Led: Virtual/In-Person Seminars PHR/SPHR Exam Prep Seminar & Workshop ...
然后在20年开了视频权限,抽空看视频, 配合穿插着看视频的PPT 。 真正爆发质的变化,是在最后这三个...
美国人力资源行业协会HRCI, Human Resource Certification Institute(简称HRCI)成立于 1976 年,是世界上...
专业资格认证(Certification)往往都依赖于某一行业协会的长期学术和经验的积累,以透明和公开 的知识体系为基础,通过较为苛刻的考试对考生的能力素质进行综合评定,考生通常还必须要满足一定 的教育和工作经验背景基本要求后才有机会获得相关的认证资格。此类认证机构往往独立和中立,不参 与任何与培训有关的业务,避免利益...
HR Certification Institute: Senior Professional in Human Resources Create Account (it's free to try) 1200 Study Questions 3500 5 Star Reviews 4.8 Avg App Store Rating Prep with the pros This is what kicking down that door to your success and chopping it into tiny pieces feels like. At...
Whether you are a seasoned pro or just starting out on your HR journey, a PHR/SPHR certification is the perfect way to be distinguished and position yourself as a credible and knowledgeable HR Professional. This 5 day seminar will help you achieve those goals. Holding a PHR/SPHR certification...
HRReview HR Fundamentals, Start Smart or GoGlobal HR Certification Course, since we believe this offers the opportunity to ask and answer questions and learn from group experience.