[5] Robin Green, “Spherical Harmonic Lighting : The Gritty Details,” [6] Peter_Pike Sloan, “Stupid Spherical Harmonics(SH) Tricks,” 附:Spherical Harmonic其他资料 [1] kayru.org/articles/spherical-harmonics-in-games/ [2]http://www.yasrt.org/shlighting/ [3] Kelly Dempski, “Advanced li...
The real spherical harmonics have been used extensively in computer graphics, but the con- ventional representation is in terms of spherical coordinates and involves expensive trigono- metric functions. While the polynomial form is often listed for low orders, directly evaluating the basis functions ...
What is the general form of the solution for the scattered field in the region outside a sphere surrounding the scatterer? What is the Laplace-Beltrami operator and how is it related to spherical harmonics? What are spherical harmonics and how are they used in computer graphics?
Spherical harmonics (SH) is a frequency-space basis for representing functions defined over the sphere. SH has been used in various problems, such as the heat equation, electrical fields, gravitational fields, and modeling the quantum angular momentum of electrons. SH has also been used in compu...
16 6.2 Spherical Harmonic Lighting 6.2.1 Introduction This may be the most impressive example for the usage of spherical harmonics in computer graphics. Spherical harmonic lighting is a technique that can effectively deliver real-time dynamic global illumination at a very high performance. There are ...
In this paper,four spherical functions based on 3D model geometry features was defined,each spherical function describe 3D model from a certain point of view.Then,spherical harmonic transform was used on these functions and the energy of the coeffi-cients of spherical harmonics was used to form...
Our use of spherical harmonics to represent the lighting is also similar in some respects to previous methods such as that of Nimeroff et al. [56] that use steerable linear basis functions. Spherical harmonics have also been used before in computer graphics for representing BRDFs by a number ...
PrtEngine.ComputeDirectLightingSphericalHarmonicsGpu(Device,GpuSimulatorOption,Int32,Single,Single,PrtBuffer) Method (Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D) 项目 2009/11/06 Uses the graphics processing unit (GPU) to compute the direct-lighting contribution to 3-D objects where the source radiance is represented...
characterization of the cosmic microwave background radiation. In 3D computer graphics, spherical harmonics play a special role in a wide variety of topics including indirect lighting (ambient occlusion, global illumination, precomputed radiance
UNIVERSITYOFCALIFORNIASANDIEGO AnalyticSphericalHarmonicCoef,cientsforPolygonalAreaLights Athesissubmittedinpartialsatisfactionoftherequirementsforthedegree MasterofScience in ComputerScience by JingwenWang Committeeincharge: ProfessorRaviRamamoorthi,ChairProfessorManmohanChandrakerProfessorHaoSu ...