SHMesh3d-场景中物体的特征,成员有:顶点个数,三角面片个数,两个向量代表包围盒的范围(用来加速求交),三角形数组,顶点数组,每个顶点的法线数组,每一个转移方程的SH因子(不考虑自阴影、自阴影、全局光照)。 SHCamera3d-包含摄像机的属性,成员有:位置(SHVector3d),目标向量(SHVector3d),视野范围(FOV)。 SHScene...
C. Drumm, Spherical harmonics (Pn) methods in the sceptre radiation transport code, in: ANS MC2015 - Joint International Conference on Mathematics and Computation (M&C), Supercomputing in Nuclear Ap- plications (SNA) and the Monte Carlo (MC) Method, 2015, nashville, TN, United States....
[5] Robin Green, “Spherical Harmonic Lighting : The Gritty Details,” [6] Peter_Pike Sloan, “Stupid Spherical Harmonics(SH) Tricks,” 附:Spherical Harmonic其他资料 [1] [2] [3] Kelly Dempski, “Advanced li...
We propose a new method for the construction of new "nice" configurations of vectors on the unit sphere S d with the use of spaces of spherical harmonics.doi:10.1007/s11253-010-0407-6Bondarenko, A.Springer USUkrainian Mathematical Journal...
Spherical Harmonics (SH) is a frequency-based space that represents functions over a sphere. The SH is defined as the angular portion of a set of solutions to Laplace’s equation using the spherical coordinates of the 3D object, organized by their angular frequency. For the specific case of ...
A multipole based treecode using spherical harmonics for potentials of the form r-lˆ\ rm-\ it λ. Computational Science-ICCS 2005, pages 107-114, 2005.Srinivasan K, Mahawar H, Sarin V (2005) A multipole based treecode using spherical harmonics for potentials of the form rλ. In: ...
Internal planetary field code from spherical harmonics, in IDL, MATLAB and Python. This is part of a community code project: Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets Group Community CodeAuthors: R.J. Wilson, M.F. Vogt, G. Provan, A. Kamran, M.K. James, M. Brennan and S.W.H Cowley.Code...
Use Microsoft DirectX SDK for spherical harmonics computations – Includes functions for projecting a cubemap into a representative set of spherical harmonic coefficients – Also functions for scaling and rotating spherical harmonics – important if your object is moving ? For code snippets that will ...
Spherical harmonics是可以重构任何函数的基函数,研究二维函数的单位球。 SH是定义在单位球表面的基函数,表示在球面坐标下。 球坐标系 其中r=1。 SH的一般形式是 实际形式,也就是接下来会用到的形式是 最终形式是 公式中的项: Plm是勒让德多项式,定义在[-1,1]范围内,递归式是 ...
The code is based on the spherical harmonic discrete ordinate method (SHDOM) which evaluates a source function including anisotropic scattering in spherical harmonics and implicitly solves the static radiative transfer equation with ray tracing in discrete ordinates. We implement treatments of time ...