ThisfunctionisonlyavailableonPioneerSmartSync(page16).Fordetails,seethe applicationshelpsection. Toansweranincomingcall E 1Pressanybuttonwhenacallisreceived.n g l i s TIPh WhentwophonesareconnectedtotheunitviaBluetoothandthereisanincomingcallwhileone phoneisbeingusedforacall,amessagewillappearinthedisplay...
【[视频]先锋SPH-10BT即将登陆美国:将智能手机变成数字中控台】 先锋(Pioneer) 宣布全新的仪表盘数字多媒体接收器SPH-10BT即将登陆美国市场,设计将智能手机充当汽车的数字中控台。 SPH-10...
Wondering if anyone has used or installed the Pioneer SPH-10BT? Looks like a cheap option to have quite a lot of features. Was wondering if anyone has one installed weather the phone clears the dash and can tilt back a bit, or is atleast level. ...