Abaqus2023 有限元转化SPH的一个小问题 使用Abaqus2023做SPH分析时,选择将fem转化为SPH,没想到直接报错: ERROR: THE CONVERSION CRITERION PARAMETER CAN ONLY BE USED IN COMBINATION WITH SPH CONVERSION = PER ELEMENT. 使用以前课程中的inp文件提交分析,报同样错误。。。 翻了下帮助文件,发现Abaqus2023使用fem转化...
Allows conversion between particle file formats and between mesh file formats. For particlesVTK, BGEO, PLY, XYZ, JSON -> VTKis supported. For meshes onlyVTK, PLY -> VTK, OBJis supported. splashsurf-convert (v0.9.0) - Convert particle or mesh files between different file formats Usage: spl...
A more recent finite element cutting simulation work of Childs et al. [49] followed the same approach, so does this paper. Fig. 10 demonstrates this scenario after t=0.4 ms for Case 2 with vc=121.9 m/min and tu=0.1 mm. The color bar is limited to 1273 K in the image for better ...
Abaqus2023 有限元转化SPH的一个小问题 使用Abaqus2023做SPH分析时,选择将fem转化为SPH,没想到直接报错: ERROR: THE CONVERSION CRITERION PARAMETER CAN ONLY BE USED IN COMBINATION WITH SPH CONVERSION = PER ELEMENT. 使用以前课程中的inp文件提交分析,报同样错误。。。 翻了下帮助文件,发现Abaqus2023使用fem转化...
Allows conversion between particle file formats and between mesh file formats. For particles VTK, BGEO, PLY, XYZ, JSON -> VTK is supported. For meshes only VTK, PLY -> VTK, OBJ is supported. splashsurf-convert (v0.9.0) - Convert particle or mesh files between different file formats ...
The study shows that in all cases, glycerol conversion was higher when the support assisted culture was used. It is noted that glycerol conversion and H2 production were dependent on the specific surface area of the support. H2 production clearly increased with the Fe2O3, Al2O3, SiO2 and ...