model <- gwr(formula = form, data = NY8, bandwidth = bw, gweight = gwr.Gauss) model ## Call: ## gwr(formula = form, data = NY8, bandwidth = bw, gweight = gwr.Gauss) ## Kernel function: gwr.Gauss ## Fixed bandwidth: 179942.6 ## Summary of GWR coefficientestimatesat data poin...
复制 library(rgdal)NY8<-readOGR(system.file("shapes/NY8_utm18.shp",package="spData"))form<-Z~PEXPOSURE+PCTAGE65P+PCTOWNHOMEbw<-gwr.sel(formula=form,data=NY8,gweight=gwr.Gauss,method="cv")model<-gwr(formula=form,data=NY8,bandwidth=bw,gweight=gwr.Gauss)model ## Call:##gwr(formul...
>#6、地理加权回归操作(高斯函数)>col.gauss <- gwr(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=columbus,+coords=cbind(columbus$X, columbus$Y),, hatmatrix=TRUE)>col.gaussCall:gwr(formula=CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data = columbus, coords = cbind(columbus$X,columbus$Y),bandwidth =,...
(form, data = londonhp, family = binomial(), bandwidth = bw) ## 查看模型统计量 model ## Call: ## ggwr(formula = form, data = londonhp, bandwidth = bw, family = binomial()) ## Kernel function: gwr.Gauss ## Fixed bandwidth: 57238.62 ## Summary of GWR coefficient estimates at ...
[R-sig-Geo] How to get each bandwidth values on observation points using adaptive kernel in spgwr ? B Rowlingson 被引量: 0发表: 0年 [R-sig-Geo] About adaptive spatial kernel for spgwr H Ono 被引量: 0发表: 0年 [R-sig-Geo] About adaptive spatial kernel for spgwr D Yu 被引量: ...
{ if(!inherits(x, "gwr")) stop("not a gwr object") cat("Call:\n") print(x$ cat("Kernel function:", x$gweight, "\n") n <- length(x$lm$residuals) if (is.null(x$adapt)) cat("Fixed bandwidth:", x$bandwidth, "\n") else cat("Adaptive quantile: ", x$adapt,...
为了使用spgwr包将GWR的模型参数应用于更精细的空间比例:1.以粗略比例计算GWR 1.使用参数fit.points、predictions和fittedGWRobject再次应用步骤1。代码:
>#6、地理加权回归操作(高斯函数)>col.gauss <- gwr(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=columbus,+coords=cbind(columbus$X, columbus$Y),, hatmatrix=TRUE)>col.gaussCall:gwr(formula=CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data = columbus, coords = cbind(columbus$X,columbus$Y),bandwidth =
>#6、地理加权回归操作(高斯函数)>col.gauss <- gwr(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=columbus,+coords=cbind(columbus$X, columbus$Y),, hatmatrix=TRUE)>col.gaussCall:gwr(formula=CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data = columbus, coords = cbind(columbus$X,columbus$Y),bandwidth =