上面这条意思是,授权dns记录中的A地址记录ip以及mx地址记录ip,此外再加上123.123.123.123、这两个地址。spf记录有专门的语法,详细请参考:http://www.open-spf.org/SPF_Record_Syntax/ DKIM //todo DMARC DMARC是 "基于域的消息认证、报告和一致性 "的缩写。DMARC是一个电子邮件认证协议,允许电子...
想要发送出去的邮件不被当成垃圾邮件处理,我们还需要进行一些配置,来启用身份验证。 1.SPF SPF 记录是一种域名服务 (DNS) 记录,可确定允许哪些邮件服务器代表您的域来发送电子邮件。 SPF的设置选项可以参考:http://www.openspf.org/SPFRecordSyntax 注:需要fan墙 这里说几个常用的: a:所有该域名的A记录都为...
The syntax is divided into a version prefix and an include tag that precedes a server that can send email through your domain. The version prefix simply explains that this TXT record is to be used for SPF checking, and the include holds the authorized server. The “~all” part instructs ...
To check an SPF record, there is the SPF record checker, or SPF record validator/tester, which checks if an SPF record is published on your domain, and if its syntax is correct. DKIM Tools To create/generate a DKIM record, there is the DKIM record generator, or DKIM record creator/buil...
When setting up your domain as an authorized Sender Domain in your MailPoet account, a default basic DMARC record will be provided that you can use. However, if preferred, you can set up your own custom DMARC record instead, as long as it is valid DMARC syntax. ReturnPath and ProofPoint ...