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Smart uses for a year-end bonus can help alleviate “frugal fatigue,” the state of exhaustion from pinching pennies that’s commonly felt by anyone on a budget. People who feel frugal fatigue most strongly are the least likely to stick to good spending habits when their financial circumstances...
The first thing one must remember while visiting Chandler Swain Reviews is that it is set up more as a website rather than a blog site, therefore things are run more inefficiently and with a greater disdain for personal comfort. However, if one remembers that the lifeblood of this site is...
Mrs. Pop @ Planting Our Pennies April 11, 2013 We didn’t get a prenup, but I don’t think it was really an issue because we came in with assets on the same order of magnitude. Reply saverspender April 11, 2013 Most people don’t have that luxury! Reply AdinaJ April 11,...
Also, I am not a professional investment advisor or money manager by any means. I am just a woman who loves money, talking about money, and making money. All opinions expressed on this blog are personal and for entertainment value. Take them with a grain of salt and always consul...
45()You won' t be eating out a lot, but save your pennies and once every few months treat yourself to a set lunch at a good restaurant - £1.75 a week for three months gives you £21 - more than" enough for a three-course lunch at Michelin-starred Arbutus.It' s £16.95 ...
Why do I pinch pennies and save wherever and whenever I can? Why can’t I spend money on myself? I used to be proud of my frugality, but something doesn’t feel right about it anymore. It shouldn’t be so hard to part with money. I shouldn’t feel so guilty for buying things ...
but he was still liable for food, rent, school books, uniforms, a laptop etc which are prohibitively expensive for a young man with just pennies in his pocket. I shared his story with a number of friends back in Bristol and several have kindly provided the support over the four years he...