spend and be spent 美 英 na.出钱又出力 英汉 na. 1. 出钱又出力,尽全力 例句 释义: 全部,出钱又出力
spent a. [Z] 1.精疲力竭的,极为衰弱的 2.用过的,失去效能的 3.(鱼)产过卵的 spend...on 在...上花费(时间等) spend thrift n. 挥霍者 spend all n. 挥霍者 well spent a. 使用得当的 ill spent adj. 花费不当的, 花钱浪费的 spend more than earn n. 负翁 负翁这个词来自香港。
spend and be spent 读音:美英 网络释义 出钱又出力 分词解释 spend& vi. 用钱,花钱vt. 花费 spent用过的
TO SPEND AND BE SPENTThe poem "TO SPEND AND BE SPENT," by Barbara Jane Reyes is presented. First Line: Inay, I'm with you in our homelessness; Last Line: Where we cross the Pacific, dreaming up our new American selves.Reyes, ...
“spend”的过去式是spent,过去分词spent, 现在分词spending.1.spend【读音】:英 [spend],美 [spɛnd] ;2.解释:vt. 度过,消磨(时光);花费;浪费;用尽 vi. 花钱;用尽,耗尽 n. 预算
不必要花太多的钱。 2. [废语]用尽,被耗尽 n. 1. 消费总量,消费总额,消费总数,(供)花费的金额 2. [常用复数][英国方言、口语] = spending money 短语 1. spend and be spent出钱又出力 [源自《圣经》] 2. spend itself耗尽;消失;衰弱 3. spend oneself精疲力竭,耗尽精力 变形: vt...
(Banking & Finance) an amount of money spent, esp regularly, or allocated to be spent [Old English spendan, from Latin expendere; influenced also by Old French despendre to spend, from Latin dispendere; see expend, dispense] ˈspendable adj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabrid...
This energy could be much betterspenttaking some positive action. 这些精力若用于采取某些积极行动的话,可能会更值得。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Wespentthe night in a hotel. 我们在一家旅馆过夜。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 ...the marketing and advertisingspend. ...
He also referred to the impact of climate change and the enormous financial amounts spent on the coastal areas owing to the severity of the hurricanes. daccess-ods.un.org 他还提到气候变化的影响,以及由于严重的飓风而对沿海 地区 花费 的 巨额资金。 daccess-ods.un.org [...] arthritis, wh...