Closed Bridge Spelter Socket ASTM A148VIEW IN CATALOG Type 6 Anchor SocketVIEW IN CATALOG Type 7 Anchor SocketVIEW IN CATALOG Type 8 Anchor SocketVIEW IN CATALOG BACKLexco® Cable offers spelter fittings for wire rope and aircraft cable end terminations. Our spelter sockets are manufactured using...
Closed Spelter Sockets This website uses cookies We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners who may combine it with ...
Spelter Socket PinsOur spelter socket pins are manufactured from select steel with proper chemical and physical properties. We machine our cotter pin holes to position the pin through the socket ears with a tight, yet practical fit. Muncy also offer galvanized socket pins with a threaded end for...
DesignSpelter socket loading mechanisms characterize themselves as very complex and was researched intensively by Ropeblock using strain gauge testing and Finite Element research. A true and full understanding of the non-linear behavior is required to pursue the engineering optimum. This optimum was compl...
The re-design of our AqualLine Open Strand Spelter Sockets means that:Clamping and alignment of the rope has improved. The cylindrical shape of the base end of the socket is the main reason for this. It has a higher MBL due to the reinforcement of the bottom part of the cone. Rotating...
闭式索节Closed Spelter socket型号: SO1表面处理: 镀锌/喷漆安全系数: 5倍证书: 拉力试验报告, CCS, DNV, LLOYD’S, ABS OR BV等品牌: GN产地: 荷兰 闭式索节Closed Spelter socket 型号: SO1表面处理: 镀锌/喷漆安全系数: 5倍证书: 拉力试验报告, CCS, DNV, LLOYD’S, ABS OR BV等品牌: GN产地: ...
G416 Open Spelter Socket Wire rope sockets are termination components that are permanently fixed to the ends of wire rope as part of an anchoring system. They are integral anywhere wire rope is used for support or movement such as suspension bridge, roof, and oil ...
G416 Open Spelter Socket Wire rope sockets are termination components that are permanently fixed to the ends of wire rope as part of an anchoring system. They are integral anywhere wire rope is used for support or movement such as suspension bridge, roof, an...
G417 High Standard Grooved Closed Spelter Socket for Wire Rope Sling FAQ What can we do? 1. Meet all of your lifting equipments &riggings' needs. 2. Service on inspection for lifting equipments and rigging material. How do you control your quality? 1.Selection ...
US3665587 * Mar 13, 1970 May 30, 1972 Global Marine Inc Process for fabricating a dead end of the spelter socket type for wire cablesUS3665587 Mar 13, 1970 May 30, 1972 Global Marine Inc Process for fabricating a dead end of the spelter socket type for wire cables...