Spells that by default only is available for the Sorcerer - from DND-Spells | Dungeons and Dragons 5e - D&D toos, Spells, Spell cards, Spellbooks
Here is a spell for all of the squishy caster types out there: Epic Mage Armor. It lasts 24 hours, which is longer than the eight hour duration for regular Mage Armor, and has the massive bonus of +20 for armor class. If you’re a spellcaster at a whopping 16 for armor class, tha...
The easiest way to balance this that I can see would be to assume the casters are inactive for the duration of the battle for the purposes of calculating the difficulty. Healers would still likely help, but warlocks or sorcerers would have few options. How would you balance this numerically?
By allowing, rangers, sorcerers and other casting classes to cast spells as rituals, you give them the added functionality of fulfilling the utility caster role. A ranger will never be a better ritual caster than a wizard with this modification. They must have the spell k...
The Weave can be manipulated in various ways, but the way sorcerers gain access to their abilities has to do with their bloodline, not their soul. One could therefore postulate that the weave exists as a field that is only able to engage with material concepts. The soul goes beyond the ma...
P.S. The logic of your question extends to all spell casters, not only archmages -- evil high priests, evil sorcerers etc. pp. are spellcasters, too. 1 For example, identify, alarm, detect magic, comprehend languages, contact other plane all do not consume slots when cast as rituals, ...
While there are some great spells Wizards cannot use, they have the best and largest selection of spells, many of which are not even usable by Sorcerers. This is understandable, they do not get many class features besides their spells. For this reason giving Wizard spells to other c...