List of Healing Spells - The power of healing spells is perhaps the greatest of all spells. When dealing with the power of health, you are dealing with life and death. However, the spells included here are fairly weak healing spells. These spells can hel
To Cure an Illness (knot magic) Healing Crystal Command & Compel Spells Commanding Oil Do My Bidding Spell Court Case Spells Basic Candle Spell Magical Options for Legal Spells Beef Tongue Court Case Spells Money Spells Basic Candle Spell Money Bottle Keep It Flowing Spells for the Tongue A Pop...
This spell uses knot magick. Knot magick is good for getting rid of illnesses; this spell is one that will help to do this. Knots work to bind things and this spell works on the principle of binding the illness into the cord, so is a form of sympathetic magick combined with positive m...
000 witchcraft spells and magic spells to offer you for your spell casting needs. There are spells for all kinds of love and relationship issues. break up spells, curses and hexes. Healing health and protection spells. legal spells for criminal cases...
This spells uses the strength of the number 3 to help speed healing of an illness. It's best used when someone is ill, rather than injured. You can use this spell for yourself (if you are well enough to really focus on it) or for someone else. Your spell supplies are:3 candles (...
Lord and Lady Healing Chant ► Lose Weight Faster ► Make a Nature Wand ► Make a Wand ► Mind Expansion ► Mirror Rid Illness ► More inner power ► More Strength ► Muscle Growth ► Muscle Strengthtining ► Neko ► New Moon Good Luck Spell ► New Moon Psychic Bath ...
The answer is straightforward: my website has the most easily accessible information for you to make changes in your life, find the love of your life, remove black magic, solve your problems, and find happiness. Isn't that what you want? I'm Dr. Kadu. I have the ability to cast ...
Any Spell for healing using protective Magic will produce Aura cleansing. A clear, bright and glowing Aura is essential to deflect any negative energies and acts like a protective shield. This can boost and protect the immune system. The specific healing energy I use in my Spells for healing ...
Use in Magic: For mastery, strength, and control over adversaries, also used to prepare a healing oil. $5.00 HER-MAS-HERB Name of Herb: Master Root, Pieces Use in Magic: A power enhancing herb used for protection, psychism, luck, and to command respect from others. $5.00 HER-MAT-RT...
Use in Magic: For mastery, strength, and control over adversaries, also used to prepare a healing oil. $5.00 HER-MAS-HERB Name of Herb: Master Root, Pieces Use in Magic: A power enhancing herb used for protection, psychism, luck, and to command respect from others. $5.00 HER-MAT-RT...