J. (1989). An investigation of task requirements associated with the invented spellings of 4-year-olds with above average intelligence. Journal of Reading Behav- ior, 21, 1-14.Burns, J. M,& Richgels, D. J.An investigation of task requirements associated with the inventedspellings of 4-...
If you dreamed of having a badass birthday when you were younger,My Super Sweet 16set the bar evenhigher. The show premiered in 2005 and lasted for a total of ten seasons as wealthy or famous families threw the most lavish events for their 16-year-olds. From expensive cars to celebrity...
The sample consisted of 55 seven-year-olds, including proficient and less proficient spellers, in two Year 3 classrooms. The spelling interventions were for three lessons per week, 20-minutes per lesson, over 10 weeks. In the first intervention we taught eight spelling strategies that showed ...