VocabularySpellingCity was initially created to save teachers time by automating spelling practice tests and to empower students to study independently through engaging game-based learning activities. Now part of the LearningCity® family of education technology products, nearly a decade later, Vocabulary...
Also, make sure you have several ideas in your pocket. Try some of these spelling activities for ideas – there are over 30 activities listed. You’ve got to mix it up and provide some variety! Fun Ways to Practice Spelli...
Also, make sure you have several ideas in your pocket. Try some of these spelling activities for ideas – there are over 30 activities listed. You’ve got to mix it up and provide some variety! Fun Ways to Practice ...
Built-in practice activities will enhance learning. Extension activities also included on the web page. Words appear on our list of sixth grade spelling words, but 4th grade through adult ages will enjoy this challenge!Fourth Grade Find-A-Word Puzzles: Words from our 4th grade spelling word ...
Looking for more fun activities? SeeSpice Up Your Spelling Lessons. Click theEarn Spelling Pointslesson for more than 20 additional spelling activity ideas! Activity 1: Alpha-Time Spelling Provide each student with 10 slips of paper (one slip for each spelling word of the week). Have students...
Grab these super cuteCVC word puzzles free printable HandyLong Vowel Sounds Worksheets MIssing Sound Clip CardsVowel Activities Practice addingshort a wordswith this cut and paste activity for kids Long a vowelclip cards Short e wordsprintable book for practicing adding the e vowel ...
>>Connect 4 Spelling Practice<< Beth Gorden Beth Gorden is the creative multi-tasking creator of 123 Homeschool 4 Me. As a busy homeschooling mother of six, she strives to create hands-on learning activities and worksheets that kids will love to make learning FUN! She has created over 1 ...
Research has shown that building spelling skills helps with reading, reading fluency, and reading comprehension. Our fourth grade spelling lists, paired with over 40 learning games and activities, are designed to provide 4th graders the spelling practice they need to build strong spelling skills.4th...
I’ll explain each of these guidelines a bit more and share a list of great activities to get your kids enjoying spelling word practice! Addmovement to the spelling word practice. That’s pretty much my motto for everything. Since my kids are in constant bounce mode (are we the only one...
This set of -un word spelling worksheets will help children practice words with the "un" sound. These spelling worksheets contain the words bun, fun, run, sun, nun, and spun. We have five different worksheets so you can do a different one each day of the week. Whether kids are trying...