Free first grade spelling word list curriculum with 36 weeks of printable worksheets, a master word list, and dictation sentences for testing.
STW spelling unit A-15 has consonant blends. (brown, free, crib, crab) Includes a word list and many printable worksheets to choose from.
STW 1st Grade Spelling Series, List A-7. This week, students will practice long-a words, spelling with a silent e. This page has several printable worksheets.
5 Fun, Simple First Grade Learning Activities- Most work especially well for families to do at home. You'll be laughing and learning together. Did we mention that these are FUN? Find more 1st Grade Spelling Word Lists and Activitieshere. We have a BUNCH! FAQs Q: What are some good fir...
1st grade spelling word list - 200 spelling words of all types for your first grader to learn: short vowels, long vowels, sight words and more. These are words your students should learn throughout first grade. The sooner they learn them, the easier it will be for them to succeed, not...
经典英语资料1st_grade_spelling_words_week_21.pdf,List A-21 Sight words and short “a” pattern words Name: ___ Spelling Week Write It Three Times! Words 21 Write each of the spelling words three times. 1. my 2. ant 3. first
This fun game scrambles words from your spelling list, and your student will have to put the letters in order to spell a word. If you drag the letter to the wrong box, then it won’t stay, and when you drag a letter to the right spot, it sticks. By playing games with your spe...
important;border-top-style: solid !important;border-bottom-color: #6b6b6b !important;border-bottom-style: solid !important;}”] Dear Users, has closed. We’ve appreciated your patronage over the years and even though we’re saying goodbye to Grade Spelling, you can find ...
SpellingBeetrophy,willgoto thelaststudentstanding. Secondandthirdplace winnerswillreceiveribbons foroutstandingperformance andachievement. Herearethewords thatwillappearonthe SpellingBeealongwithalist ofChallengeWordsthat yourchildwillencounter morefrequentlyinthefirst grade. Ihighlyencourage parentstomotivatetheir ...
Similar Read:Lesson Plan Templates Word Sequence Of 3rd Grade Spelling List Before teaching new words to a 3rd-grade student, you must understand the spelling curriculum. Most importantly, the sequence of curriculum and what exactly are thethird-grade Spelling words. ...