"Attendance" is the correct spelling for the act of being present, while "Attendence" is generally considered a misspelling. Table of Contents Which is correct: Attendance or Attendence How to spell Attendance? Attendance Correct Spelling Attendence Incorrect Spelling ...
Neice vs. Niece Attendance vs. Attendence Finally vs. Finaly Presentor vs. Presenter Genius vs. Genious Omage vs. Homage Comming vs. Coming Wheelbarrel vs. Wheelbarrow Label vs. Lable Chief vs. Cheif Trending Misspellings Formatt vs. Format Ilogical vs. Illogical Fundemental vs. Fundamental Gosi...
"Decission" is an incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is "Decision," which refers to a conclusion or resolution reached after consideration.
Neice vs. Niece Attendance vs. Attendence Finally vs. Finaly Presentor vs. Presenter Genius vs. Genious Omage vs. Homage Comming vs. Coming Wheelbarrel vs. Wheelbarrow Label vs. Lable Chief vs. Cheif Trending Misspellings Enroled vs. Enrolled Feburary vs. February Fictitous vs. Fictitious Farth...
To draw attention to by way of remonstrance or protest Our parents represented to us the need for greater caution. To describe or put forward (a person or thing) as an embodiment of a specified quality Tried to represent his opponent as untrustworthy. ...
Which is correct: Interupted or Interrupted How to spell Interrupted? Interupted Incorrect Spelling Interrupted Correct Spelling ADVERTISEMENT Key Differences Think of the word "rupture"; "interrupt" shares the same root. 15 Say it out loud: In-ter-rupt-ed. The "rupt" sound has two syllables....
Which is correct: Carreer or Career How to spell Career? Carreer Incorrect Spelling Career Correct Spelling Key Differences Think of "car" + "eer"; no need for an extra 'r'. Link "career" with "clear", both having a single 'r' in the middle. ...
Which is correct: Fift or Fifth How to spell Fifth? Fift Incorrect Spelling Fifth Correct Spelling ADVERTISEMENT Key Differences Remember that 'fifth' aligns with other ordinal numbers ending in "-th" like fourth or sixth. Pronunciation helps; the 'th' sound at the end of fifth should be emp...
The tomb of the unknowns. (Mathematics) A quantity of unknown numerical value. Not known; unidentified; not well known. (algebra) A variable (usually x, y or z) whose value is to be found. Any thing, place, or situation about which nothing is known; an unknown fact or piece of info...
"Fellt" is an incorrect spelling, while "Felt" is correct and refers to a past tense of feel or a type of fabric.