Try aSample Game! Step 1: Create a List Type four words in the spaces below 1 2 3 4 21.5% Increase in reading comprehension for native English speakers Read the Study With Vocabulary A-Z, you get everything you loved with VSCand more!
Use Word Chopper to practice your spelling list before test day. As students get their spelling words right, they are taken out of their queue. Play Word Chopper! SPELLING SOUP Spelling Soup is a relaxing way to catch the correctly spelled words in a soup bowl. The game can be played on...
Provide each student with 10 slips of paper (one slip for each spelling word of the week). Have students practice writing their spelling words, one word per slip. Then instruct students to turn over the slips. Give students 15 seconds to slide around the slips on their desks until the sli...
On entering the game you can choose the list of words to practice. You choose the age grade, the category, and a specific list.Then click the "Go" button. The sequence of the game goes like this: Have a close look at the word given. Then, click the "Cover" button. A machine will...
frequently during game play. These 10 words will be combined with other spelling words from the Stage the pupil is on. Once a word has been spelled correctly, it is played on harder levels until a pupil has mastered it. Once mastered, this word will appear in their Mastered Words list. ...
Spelling Shed enables learning to happen anywhere and everywhere, giving teachers the peace of mind that pupils can learn and get practice unhindered. For more information on the ways Spelling Shed ensures effective teaching of spelling,visit our blogorwatch our webinar. ...
This is a classic hangman game, using your own words. It's unique because you can actually hear the hidden words. Word Search Puzzle Immediately create a challenging online word search puzzle from your own list of words. After every word you find, you will hear it pronounced. The puzzles ...
Spelling Games is a groundbreaking app designed to help individuals of all ages enhance their spelling skills through a series of short, interactive exercises. Our unique learning approach turns your spelling practice into an enjoyable game, taking the monotony out of learning. ...
Paragraph Writing Practice allows students to create a paragraph using their spelling or vocabulary words. Play Paragraph Writing Practice with a 4th grade Journeys list as an engaging 4th grade spelling activity. MatchIt Sentences is a fourth grade word game that provides practice matching words with...
Add it to family game night. I’ll explain each of these guidelines a bit more and share a list of great activities to get your kids enjoying spelling word practice! Addmovement to the spelling word practice. That’s pretty much my motto for everything. Since my kids are in constant bou...