诺曼人占领英格兰后,拼写改成了-our结尾,为的是与法语拼写统一。文艺复兴以后,新的拉丁语外来词开始出现,沿用了源语言中-or结尾的方式。很多以-our结尾的词,像chancellour和governour,恢复成了-or结尾。 BE--AEdifferent spellings aeroplane--airplane c...
诺曼人占领英格兰后,拼写改成了-our结尾,为的是与法语拼写统一。文艺复兴以后,新的拉丁语外来词开始出现,沿用了源语言中-or结尾的方式。很多以-our结尾的词,像chancellour和governour,恢复成了-or结尾。 BE--AEdifferent spellings aeroplane--airplane cheque--check theatre--theater grey--gray programme--progr...
诺曼人占领英格兰后,拼写改成了-our结尾,为的是与法语拼写统一。文艺复兴以后,新的拉丁语外来词开始出现,沿用了源语言中-or结尾的方式。很多以-our结尾的词,像chancellour和governour,恢复成了-or结尾。 BE--AEdifferent spellings aeroplane--airplane cheque--check theatre--theater grey--gray programme--progr...
> ![Graphic][1] Eye halve a spelling chequer;It came with my pea sea.It plainly marques four my revue Miss steaks eye khan knot sea. This poem, which has recently been circulating by email marked "Sauce unknown," shows how important it is to check a hard copy of your word processed...
Words Ending in -ck or -k vs. -que American English vs. British English: Bank – Banque Check – Cheque Checker – Chequer Words Ending in -ze vs. -se American English vs. British English: Analyze – Analyse Apologize – Apologise ...
cheque - check colour - color centre - center 等 此外,还有一些致力于简化英语的活动,比如 起源于英国并在很多国家活动的 English Spelling Society,其第一阶段提出要 芝加哥当地最大的报纸《芝加哥论坛报》在报纸中引入一些简化的拼写。 英国/澳大利亚语言学家哈里·林格伦(Harry Lindgren)开发的 Spelling Reform ...
color, honor, center, theater, check (for UK cheque), defense, thru, sox ... The increasing influence of US culture and attitudes extends to spelling too, though it is not always obvious. The two main computer operating systems come from the US and the word "quit" rather than UK "leav...
A Check your spellingHave you ever had trouble trying① tospell a word?" I asked my husbandone day. “Yes, sometimes. Why, whathappened?” he asked. “This afternoon, I was in the towncenre, whereIhad been doing some shopping.I suddenlyreaised I didnt have any moneyleft so I quckl...
【题目】ACheck your spellingHave you ever had trouble trying① to spell a word?” Iasked my husband one day. “Yes, sometimes. Why, what happened?" he asked. “This afternoon, I was in the town centre,where I had been doing some shopping. I suddenly reaised Ididnt have any money ...
cheque/ check (as in “traveller’s cheque”) pyjamas/ pajamas jewellery/ jewelry storey/ story (for the floors of a building) moustache/ mustache omelette/ omelet cosy/ cozy chilli/ chili mould/ mold tyre/ tire (for the rubber thing on a wheel) kerb/ curb (for the edge of roadway) ...