After rounds of intense competition, we are thrilled to announce the winners of the Grade 1 and Grade 2 Spelling Bee: 经历了多轮紧张刺激的比赛,我们要骄傲地向大家宣布本年度Spelling Bee一、二年级组的获胜选手: These exceptional spellers ...
Spelling Bee is a great app. When I first bought it, things were going great. However, when I was joining the 5th grade class it asked me to buy it. I don’t like that. You should just be able to go into every class freely. Also when you are getting into either the app or set...
Hard Spelling Bee Words & Meanings This list of hard spelling bee words comes with helpful definitions and parts of speech so students will learn MORE than just correct spellings! Read More 10th Grade Spelling Words Try this list of 100 words for 10th grade spelling. Students will be challenge...
This is a great way for students to fly solo with some fun spelling bee prep! RhymonymsTM- Challenging new word play for upper grade students and adults. Think of a pair of rhyming words for each set of synonyms. Printable, free and fun! Students must put their vocabulary and spelling ...
如今,四年级Spelling Bee Words Contest,把你和你的梦想统统拉进现实! 大赛的主旨:帮助学生提高英语拼写能力,增加英语词汇量,为高阶的英语学习提供帮助。 经过淘汰后的18名spellers出战年级决赛!瞧瞧拉拉队的海报多给力! 无奋斗,不成长! 恭喜所有获奖选手!你们各个棒棒哒~ ...
Jasmine ChenClass1 Grade7 Everyone had prepared this for a long time and also perfectly displayed their best appearance on the field. Are there no regrets at all? Well, there are still some. In the first round, I played poorly and hardly scored...
Spelling Bee 小学部单词拼写大赛 最近几周,常州威雅公学小学部单词拼写比赛如火如荼地进行着。在第一轮预赛中,每个学生都领到了一张单词表,他们需要把单词表带回家并记住上面的所有单词。整个小学部都参与其中,每个学生都有机会赢得这场比赛。 在所有的学生都接受了单词测试之后,每个学院选出两名学生代表入半决赛...
This application is for kids around the world, It would be a perfect app to make your kids fluent in English! 6 Features you will find when using this app: * R…
we made an amazing vocabulary book named WHBC Academic Vocabulary Grade 7 to students. As soon as the students got this book, they couldn’t wait to start preparing for the Spelling Bee on January 5th. In the preliminary round, students needed to do some translations, word spellings and so...
During the activity preparation stage, English teachers from each grade compiled the key vocabulary of this semester into the Spelling Bee vocabulary review book. Each child set learning goals for the preparation stage based on the vocabulary review book. They read and memorize core words and phrase...