This repository is used as a centralized point for all issues regarding CMaNGOS. - spell_proc_event · cmangos/issues Wiki
示例1: HandleProc voidHandleProc(AuraEffectconst* aurEff, ProcEventInfo& eventInfo){ PreventDefaultAction();std::vector<SpellPowerCost>const& costs = eventInfo.GetProcSpell()->GetPowerCost();autom =std::find_if(costs.begin(), costs.end(), [](SpellPowerCostconst& cost) {returncost.Power ...
0×00000040 SPELL_ATTR_EX6_FLOATING_COMBAT_TEXT_ON_CAST 6 Auras with this attribute trigger SPELL_CAST combat log event instead of SPELL_AURA_START (clientside attribute) 0×00000080 SPELL_ATTR_EX6_AURA_IS_WEAPON_PROC 7 0×00000100 SPELL_ATTR_EX6_DO_NOT_CHAIN_TO_CROWD_CONTROLLED_TARGETS ...
sEventMgr.ModifyEventTimeLeft(aura, EVENT_AURA_REMOVE, aura->GetDuration()); mTarget->ModVisualAuraStackCount(aura,0); }returntrue; } 开发者ID:master312,项目名称:AscEmu,代码行数:19,代码来源:SpellProc_ClassScripts.cpp 示例2: CloakOfShadows ...
It has to be recast every 15 to 45 seconds as per the mage's skill level; party members in range all simultaneously get their own instance of the buff, and they are made immune to further castings of the spell until the duration runs out. This means the spell's expiration event needs...
Everburning FlameEbFEverburning Flameallows your Red Spells (Living Flame,Pyre,Firestorm) to extend the duration of theFire BreathDoT effect by 1 second per damaging event. Note: the DoT fromRuby Embersdoesnotextend the duration; onlyLiving Flamewill. ...
Life of the Party (NYI) During the Ember Court, your Guests gain additional Happiness for each event completed. When the Court concludes, the effects of any Decrees bestowed upon you are increased. Niya's Tools: Burrs Your damaging attacks and spells have a chance to toss Niya's Spiked Bur...
frame:SetScript("OnEvent",function(self, event, spellID) ifevent=="SPELL_ACTIVATION_OVERLAY_GLOW_SHOW"then ifspellID==SPELL_IDthen print("Hello, WoW!") end elseifevent=="SPELL_ACTIVATION_OVERLAY_GLOW_HIDE"then ifspellID==SPELL_IDthen ...