The form “nibby” and the related noun forms “neb-nose” and “nib-nose” (meaning an inquisitive person) are apparently a bit more widespread within Pennsylvania, but it's not surprising that someone from Eastern PA wouldn't have heard the term. ...
They followed what the evil ones gave out (falsely) against the power of Solomon: the blasphemers Were, not Solomon, but the evil ones, teaching men Magic, and such things as came down at babylon to the angels Harut and Marut. But neither of these taught anyone (Such things) without say...
Kaleji meaning in English isGibletand Kaleji or Giblet synonym is Giblets. Similar words of Giblet includes as Giblet and Giblets, where Kaleji translation in Urdu is کلیجی. What is the meaning of a rabble rouser? :one that stirs up the masses of the people(as to hatred or ...