The number 40 (forty) is correctly spelled forty. Fourty is a misspelling, however common. Not all style guides require writing out numbers over ten.
It's an easy mistake to make writing 'forty' as 'fourty.' Read on for a look at its many spellings throughout the ages.
I suddenlyrealized I didn't haveanymone1(leave) so I quickly went to the bank to cash a cheque. I wanted to withdraw $402our bank account, but I'mso forgetful that I couldn't remember if '40'3spell)'fourty' or 'forty'". "What did you do? " my husband asked. "I tookout ...
I wanted to withdraw $40 from our bank ac-count⑦, but I'm so forgetful⑧ that I couldn't remember if 40was spelled ‘fourty’ or ‘forty'. " “What did you do?" my hus-band asked. “I took out fifty dollars instead⑨, " I said.BFamily harmonyThe Wang family was planning to...
a set of this many persons or things. When did Fourty become forty? In the early 1800s, a variation of fourty started to appear more frequently, though the forty spelling started popping upas early as the 16th century. The misspelling still pops up now and again even on popular media site...
"Forty" Not "Fourty" The number 40 is spelt forty and not fourty. There Is No "a" between 1 and 999 Interestingly, if you avoid "and" (as is the US convention) and start writing out the whole numbers from zero upwards, you will reach 1000 before you use the letter "a." More...
I wanted to withdraw⑥ $40 from our bank ac-count⑦, but I'm so forgetful⑧ that I couldn't remember if 40was spelled ‘fourty’ or ‘forty’. " “What did you do?" my hus-band asked. “I took out fifty dollars instead. " I said.BFamiy harmonyThe Wang family was planning to...
I suddenly realise d I didn't have any money left③ so I quickly went to the bank ④to cash a cheque⑤. I wante d to withdraw⑥ $40 from our bank ac-count⑦, but I'm so forgetful⑧ that I couldn't remember if 40was spelle d 'fourty' or 'forty'.”“What di d you do?"...