You brandish the weapon used in the spell’s casting and make a melee attack with it against one creature within 5 feet of you. You can use your spellcasting ability instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of the melee attack you make with this spell. On a hit, the target...
5E does this by blending bits and pieces from several editions, and then the key critical advancement of making "prepared" spells based on level and ability modifier, thus sharply limiting the list. But even so, the fact that the list which is prepared from is limited (back to the Basic ...
Casting time:1 action Range:touch Components:V, S Duration:Varies You touch a willing creature and impart a brief blessing. The target regains 1hit pointat the end of each of your turns, up to a maximum number ofhit pointsequal to 2d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. Once the limi...
How Invisibility 5e works Casting Invisibility 5e sounds simple, but we need to learn more about the invisible condition toreallyunderstand its effects. There are two key impacts of the invisible condition – let’s break each of them down. ...
At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 necrotic damage to the target, and the necrotic damage on the next attack before the end of your next turn increases to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th level and 17th level. ...
You’re on fire:A guide to the DnDFireball 5espell Youcanuse dispel magic on a fourth-level spell (or even higher), but you’ll need to pass an ability check of Difficulty Class (DC) ten + the spell’s level. If you fail, the spell is unaffected, and you’ve lost a spell slot...
(the statistics for zombies and skeletons are in the Monster Manual), and it gains a bonus to its attack and damage rolls equal to your spellcasting ability modifier. You can use a bonus action to mentally command the creatures you make with this spell, issuing the same command to all of...
Enhance Ability (Open in new window) 2 Transmutation 1 Action No Yes Players Handbook Enlarge/Reduce (Open in new window) 2 Transmutation 1 Action No Yes Players Handbook Ensnaring Strike (Open in new window) 1 Conjuration 1 Bonus Action No Yes Players Handbook Entangle (Open in new window)...
D&D Spellcards 5e - Prepare your spells for battle! The ultimate spellcasting app for heroes Are you ready to face fierce goblins and powerful dragons? With D&D Spellcards 5e, you'll always be one step ahead of the game! This powerful spellcasting app allows you to learn, prepare and man...
Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Components: V S Duration: Instantaneous Classes: Cleric Considering none of the domains of the Cleric receive inflict wounds at level 1, you do not see it as overpowered. Also, confine minds the sorcerer stays at a secure range (usually) when casting spe...