Riddle:How do you spell candy in 2 letters? Which Part Of The Road Do Ghosts Travel On Riddle:Which part of a road do Ghost's love to travel the most? When Is It Bad Luck To See A Black Cat? Riddle:When is it bad luck to see a black cat?
Besides beans, you can drop letters into bubbles of spilled hot coffee if even more jam-packed jumbled fun is your cup of tea. Or slow the pace with colored candy hearts, where shorter words carry more weight. Our fourth variation, 8-Spot, forces you to adapt by "spotting" randomly pre...
We keep track of your words and score so you can focus on where you put the letters. Besides beans, you can drop letters into bubbles of spilled hot coffee if even more jam-packed jumbled fun is your cup of tea. Or slow the pace with colored candy hearts, where shorter words carry ...
What Was The Highest Mountain On Earth Riddle:Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on Earth? How Do You Spell Candy In 2 Letters Riddle:How do you spell candy in 2 letters? What 5 Letter Word Typed In All Capital Letters Can Be Read The Same Upside Down ...
a单词可以利用自然拼读法拼写出来。经过反复教学实践证明自然拼音教学法是任何年龄的学生学习 The word may put together the pronunciation using the nature to spell.Practices the certificate natural Pinyin teaching method after the teaching is repeatedly any age student study [translate] ...
y - /ɪ/ party candy rainy cloudy sunny ready Watch and imitate Tips: 发音时嘴唇微微张开; 舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,嘴形扁平; 发好这个音的秘诀是:一定要收小腹。 Practice time Let’s blend b-a-b-y h-a-pp-y baby happy Practice time Let’s blend s-o-rr-y sorry w...
Let’s spell:No candy for the baby.(学生跟读) 学生展示 【设计意图:利用节奏加上琅琅上口的短文||,让学生更有兴趣地识记含有字母’y”并且发音相同单词。】 短文输出练习。 T:Boys and girls.There are so any words having the same letter||,and the letter has the same sound. How can we remembe...