Your unarmed strikes instead deal 1d10 + yourStrengthmodifier bludgeoning damage, if it didn't already deal more. You gain 3d10 temporary hitpoints, which dissapear after the spell ends. When you take the attack action, you can instead make two unarmed attacks as part of that action. ...
You can undo or cancel any action you can see within range by Passing a DC 20 on a D20 roll that adds your spell casting ability modifier. Upon failure, one of multiple effects can happen. if it was an attack, the attack now crits, if it was a spell effect it is unaffected or ...
Absorb Elements and Expeditious Retreat are especially great artificer picks! Bard Bards are arcane spellcasters who use music, rhythm, and prose to cast spells. Because the normal bard spell list doesn’t have a lot of damage-dealing spells, picking a few damage-heavy cantrips from the wizard...