Spektrum Hack Module for FrSky OTX Radios If you want all the required hardware, minus the actual radio circuit, I have a set for sale (cheap). I bought an extra set a few years back, before there was multi-protocol modules for sale, it and hasn’t been used. The module I made...
infrared receiver miracast receiver rc airplane receiver ir receiver module audio transmitter receiver apm7 receiver optical receiver This product belongs to Home, and you can find similar products at All Categories, Toys & Hobbies, Remote Control Toys, Parts & Accessories. ...
This would be a big selling point for Spektrum gear. Not as big as you think, since any OpenTX, EdgeTX, ErSKyTX, ETHOS, Jeti or PowerBox radio can do that already (specifically via the transmitter controlling gain based on airspeed telemetry) and of course FrSky, Jeti and Powerbox all ...
Hi everyone, been learning and lurking for 3 months now and I am in need of some assistance for my first post. I recently purchased a TBS Tango remote to fly my tiny whoop FPV indoors. This required me to purchase a DM9 Spektrum JR module for the tango. It has been bind and I ...
I've also got a FrSky Taranis QX7 and am quite happy with it. However, with lots more capability at nearly the same price point, there is lots more to learn. Other considerations are the new Jumper T12 and the Flysky i6. I have no experience with either. One other thing the OP mi...