This also allows for easy firmware updates right from Spektrum's website. A perfect example of this is Spektrums new DSMX technology can easily be downloaded for free onto the first generation of DX8 transmitters that came with the older DSM2 modulation. For those of us with the DX6i, DX7...
Hi. So I have been an exclusive Spektrum user since 2009, but have finally had to step up my game to a non entry level radio. I started with a DX5e DSM2 and still use it. Then I went to a DX6i and used it until recently wh...
I have a dx18 back a couple of firmware revisions. Planning to buy the gen 2 tomorrow, and sell the gen 1. I don't want the hassle of doing a firmware update on the gen 1 before the sale. Will my models, backed up, import into the gen 2?, binding aside May 01, 2014, 05:49...