7. 防火墙开启入站 80 端口. 这一步是可选的. 如果内网的其它电脑或手机无法访问这台 Windows 上的 speedtest, 可能是被 Windows 防火墙挡了. 将Windows 入站端口 80 打开后, 内网的其它设备才能访问刚刚安装好的 speedtest. 以管理员身份运行cmd 打开命令行窗口. 使用下面的命令行给防火墙开启 80 端口. netsh...
10. MusicBee Portable More >> Why You Shouldn't (Mostly) Use Free VPN Services Bitcoin 101 PST Files: Keeping Your Outlook Data Organized and Running Smoothly How to Disable All Advertising and Sponsored Apps in Windows 10 & 11 Do You Need to Defragment an SSD? Understanding TRIM and SSD...
Defragmentation (HDDs):For traditional hard disk drives (HDDs), regular defragmentation can improve performance by organizing data more efficiently. Windows handles this automatically. Consider an SSD:Solid State Drives (SSDs) are much faster than HDDs, resulting in significant speed improvements. If y...
in Windows 10 Network and Sharing to solve the problem; I have 300Mbps download speed being supplied to by Notebook PC via ethernet cable, I personally observed the ethernet cable speedtest done by my... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Network and Sharing' started...
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今儿我分享一下如何两步搞定opencv3的安装。没错!一步下载,一步安装。Windows用户:我的系统是win 10。首先确保自己安装了python3和pip。没有安装pip的朋友请先下载get-pip.py,然后在搜索里输入cmd,打开命令窗口。进入pip保存的位置,dir确认一下是否存在刚下载的pip安装包...
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