而抖动是指最大延迟与最小延迟的时间差,如最大延迟是20毫秒,最小延迟为5毫秒,那么网络抖动就是15毫秒,它主要标识一个网络的稳定性。 packet loss:丢包率,封包在传送过程中因不明原因无法让接收者收到,丢失的封包就是 packet loss。 最后一行是本次测试的统计。测试可知带宽平均为490Mbit/s。 参考:https://ww...
我follow 上面的说法,我们现在可以有三种网络测试工具,一个是fast ,一个是speedtest,一个是iperf。第一个我没有下载下来,出了一点问题,没有继续看这个问题,因为我看了一下sppedtest . speedtest 是一款基于python 的一款测试网络工具,下载的命令是“pip3 install speedtest-cli” ,下载完成后可以直接引用,speedtest ...
test. My only suggestion to the devs would be to add that info to the home screen when running the test. I’d love to be able to see the signal strength and potential packet loss and such right on the main test screen but with some knowledge and know how this info can be guessed ...
更新之後,點選付費移除廣告,要開啟app卻一直卡在隱私權通知的畫面。 I've updated to the latest version of speedtest and paid NT30 to move the ad on my iPhone 6s Plus today, then it always shows me privacy notice, I can't launch speedtest. I click the button "done", it only can return...
But, in general, expect Wi-Fi to have some packet loss from this stress test. fastping -n:100000 -l:1400 -ms:2 Test Wi-Fi Camera connectivity: Send large pings to the IP address of your Wi-Fi cam to check combined average for both upload and download Mbps speed: ...
To perform a basic test of the exporter, execute the following command to run the container: sudo docker run --rm -p 9469:9469 blackdark93/prometheus-speedtest-exporter:main Next, access the /probe endpoint: curl "http://localhost:9469/probe?script=speedtest" After approximately 15 to 30 se...
Code Issues Pull requests UI for the ookla speedtest cli to log internet speeds, packet loss and ping. docker laravel speedtest Updated Aug 26, 2024 PHP simondotwhite / laravel-dusk-speedtest Star 8 Code Issues Pull requests A simple solution to monitoring your internet speed using speedte...
independent and transparent tool for measurement of the Internet connection in fixed, cellular and WiFi networks. It has a strong focus on quality and reliability of the internet connection. Open Nettest measures several parameters: download and upload speed, ping (latency), jitter and packet loss...
independent and transparent tool for measurement of the Internet connection in fixed, cellular and WiFi networks. It has a strong focus on quality and reliability of the internet connection. Open Nettest measures several parameters: download and upload speed, ping (latency), jitter and packet loss...
Well, now you can remove the guesswork behind a slow connection with this useful internet speed test script. The script utilizes theSpeedtest CLI by Ooklato measure internet connection performance metrics like download, upload, latency, and packet loss without relying on a web browser. This way,...