The train was speeding onward and the plains of Texas were pouring eastward. A newly married pair had boarded this coach at San Antonio. The man's face was reddened from many days in the wind and sun, and a direct result of his new black clothes was that from time to time he looked...
A 66-year-old woman in Texas recently got a speeding ticket and now her story has gone viral. Cindy Nguyen says that a police officer in Houston cited her for speeding in a 35 mph zone. According to the citation given to her, she was going 37 mph in the speed zone. It was her fi...
Keep in mind that the fastest speeding ticket ever issued in the United States is actually rumored to be an urban legend; supposedly in 2003, a guy in Texas was stopped for doing 242mph in a 75mph zone. As for our neighboring states, here's what I could find about other Midwestern spe...
Pennsylvania, New York, California, Texas, Georgia, Virginia, North Carolina, Massachusetts and Connecticut. You had better have your radar detector on when driving in these states, or obey the speed limits.
Speed:Your actual speed may significantly impact the cost of your speeding ticket, with higher speeds sometimes leading to criminal charges, license suspensions and even jail time. State:Speeding ticket fines inOregoncan be as low as $65 for going no more than 10 miles or as much as $2,00...
"Charge a dollar? Why,that's too much — for us — ain't it, Jack?"Later he explained to her about the trains. "You see, if s a thousand miles from one end of Texas to the other; and this runs right across it, and never stops but four times." He had the pride of an ...
The highest speeding ticket ever in New York was 200 MPH on Northern Boulevard in Manhasset, according toWeiss and Associates, the law firm that defended the speeder. A speeding ticket that high could result in fines up to $700 and 11 points on your license. Reckless driving charges are al...
Assistance for drivers facing DUI (Driving Under the Influence) or DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) charges, which can have severe consequences for commercial drivers. Read More Photo Tickets Help with resolving violations captured by traffic cameras, such as red-light or speed cameras, which often...
Texas Department of Public Safety 10 Most Wanted - Antonio Martinez Gonzalez - Up to $7,500 Reward Antonio Gonzalez is affiliated with the West Texas Tango gang and has ties to Midland, Texas. He also has ties to Mexico. Gonzalez served time in the early 2000s after convictions for Burglar...
Texas Department of Public Safety 10 Most Wanted - Antonio Martinez Gonzalez - Up to $7,500 Reward Antonio Gonzalez is affiliated with the West Texas Tango gang and has ties to Midland, Texas. He also has ties to Mexico. Gonzalez served time in the early 2000s after convictions for B...